-Dry blend is a beautiful mixture of green leaves, pink and yellow rose petals and lavender. Wet leaves floated to the top during steeping. Wet leaves reveal long tea leaves and whole peppermint leaves.
-Dry leaves smell like a minty potpourri. Tea liquor smells clean and faintly of roses.
-Tea liquor is a clear, pale yellow.
-Grassy flavor with a wispy mint finish. Able to detect rose taste after swallowing.
-Best with sweetener.
-Very good tea. Very delicate flavor, but sweetener enhances the floral and mint notes.
175 °F / 79 °C
2 min, 30 sec
Sounds really lovely!
Lovely is a good word to describe this tea. It’s really light and delicate but it’s perfect for a lazy Sunday like today! :)