I love all these French teas. This one has quite a strong bergamot scent and I was expecting it to be something like an earl grey. Instead the flavour, while citrus, was more like sweet oranges than bergamot. There’s also a nice floral undertone that stays pleasantly subtle and underneath it all are some smooth vanilla notes.
The great thing about French teas, I’ve found, is the deftness with which flavours are blended – they hint at flavour notes rather than beat you over the head with them. I’ve rarely come across a French tea that’s heavy-handed in its flavouring.
Yes! Great note! I have seen French teas with a list of flavors a mile long. If anyone else had done it, those flavors would have mashed together like mud, but the French can blend them so expertly that you taste each one as a separate layer and it still isn’t overdone.