Followed by 134 Tea Drinkers

teataku 86 followers

I very clearly remember my first experience with tea. It was in a Target nea...

TeaVivre 545 followers

Hello, I am Angel Chen, a tea taster and tea ceremony specialist comes from F...

Ryan Freed 49 followers

CoFounder at Hockey player, snowboarder, and all about having f...

PureAromaTea 25 followers Your daily source of quality loose leaf tea.

SunnyinNY 33 followers

Avid tea drinker looking for another great tea to love! I am going to start b...

Itsyknits 74 followers

Hello! I’m a girl living in London and abroad tasting tea and reviewing them ...

Evan Freed 46 followers

I am the co-founder of, an avid skier, cooker, and love to drink...


Author of books PRECIOUS & COLOR BLIND (Bloomsbury 2011) Yoga lover. Form...

Dinah Saur 93 followers

I’m your standard nerdy girl in a lot of regards, from my taste in music, boo...

Miss Alex 23 followers

I’ll be upfront, I did work retail and inventory for one of the tea chains. I...



I like strong, robust flavors. My current favorites include strong black teas (Keemuns, Yunnan teas and Assams, for example), flavored blacks such as Harney’s Paris, oolongs of any kind, and gyokuros. I like Rooibos and honeybush teas as well, and other herbal blends to help me relax in the evening.

I am willing to try just about anything, but I am not particularly fond of jasmine tea, very fruity or heavily flavored blends, anything with pineapple; and I know this is practically heresy, but I don’t like Darjeelings.


In my kitchen, heating water

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