400ml of water at 195F
1 generous table spoon of tea
Steep for 4 minutes
1/4 teaspoon of highly refinded suger

Teapot warmed and rinsed with hot water. Tea leaves placed into the teapot and left standing for 30 seconds to build up the aroma.

This was quite unexpected. A first flush Darjeeling to arrive in JANUARY of 2013. Mariage Freres always provides a wide spectrum of Darjeelings always pushing the boundaries of what a Darjeeling should taste like. The Namring Poomong is no exception.

Very large green leaves with silver tips mixed throughout the tea. The scent of the leaves is light. The leaves yield a very yellow tea after being steeped for 4 minutes. Yet even at 4 minutes, the tea does not exhibit any atringency which gives way to the delicate flowery/fruity flavor and aroma, with a hint of nuttiness.

This is not a Darjeeling having a bite to its taste. This is a delicate and smooth tasting Darjeeling where all of the individual light flavors can be enjoyed. This tea is a worthy addition to first flush line up of Mariage Freres Darjeelings.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec
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CharlotteZero 12 years ago

I added that tea a few days ago here: http://steepster.com/teas/mariage-freres/35451-2013-namring-poomong-upper-ftgfop1-darjeeling-first-flush-ex1-2013. I wish Steepster had an option to combine two pages.

Excelsior 12 years ago

Hmmm. Searched for this tea last night and I did not find it on the tea list. Searched again after you comment and found it. Don’t know if they can combine the two pages.

CharlotteZero 12 years ago

Well, I’m glad I was following you and saw this review. I’m going to try this one tonight!

Excelsior 12 years ago

Hope you like it. I’m interested in reading your thoughts on the Brumes D’Himalaya and the White Tea from Beyond the Skies. Enjoy!

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CharlotteZero 12 years ago

I added that tea a few days ago here: http://steepster.com/teas/mariage-freres/35451-2013-namring-poomong-upper-ftgfop1-darjeeling-first-flush-ex1-2013. I wish Steepster had an option to combine two pages.

Excelsior 12 years ago

Hmmm. Searched for this tea last night and I did not find it on the tea list. Searched again after you comment and found it. Don’t know if they can combine the two pages.

CharlotteZero 12 years ago

Well, I’m glad I was following you and saw this review. I’m going to try this one tonight!

Excelsior 12 years ago

Hope you like it. I’m interested in reading your thoughts on the Brumes D’Himalaya and the White Tea from Beyond the Skies. Enjoy!

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I’ve always had an interest in tea and it became a passion when I moved to work and live in Japan. There was a Mariage Tea Salon just three subway stations away from where I lived.

I tried the Darjeeling Princeton blend. It was fabulous. In the course of twenty three years, I tried all sorts of teas from Lupicia, Marine de Bourbon, Fortnum and Mason, Shiseido Tea Salon, Brooke Bond Tea Salon and countless others. Now, I primarily order Premium Spring/First Flush Darjeelings direct from Mariage Frères, France. Others teas I drink are Oolong Teas from Taiwan, Green and Red Rooibos from South Africa, and the Japanese Green Teas my wife always brings back from Japan.


Irvine, CA

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