Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.

Hi, guys. Still here. So sorry I have not been around at all. About mid-way through the winter school semester, life sort of collapsed around my ears. Turns out that a full-time job with full-time school and learning issues was just a dumb thing to attempt. Pretty much any part of my life that was not school or work closed down, and I have been very depressed for a while from the stress. There was a period in there where I actually even doubted that I still like tea.

After the semester finished, I took a good MONTH off from EVERYTHING (well, except work because I like to eat). I didn’t go on Steepster, barely glanced at Facebook, took a LOT of time to myself to recover and come out of a very black bout.

But I am back! I have something of a plan for next year, and life is back in a better swing. I am my usual chipper self again, and back to lots of tea drinking. I will start reviewing again soon, I promise, and will check in on all the people who added me in my absence. My, you people had faith!

So hello again everybody! Missed you all, and sorry I have not been around to celebrate awesome teas you found and lattes you made. Let me know in comments anything you think I should know that I missed!

Angrboda 12 years ago

That’s stress for you. Not such a trivial matter as some people seem to still want to believe. Do try not to let it go quite so far again.

Veronica 12 years ago

Glad you’re back! Good for you for taking some time to find your balance again. It’s not an easy thing to do sometimes.

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Angrboda 12 years ago

That’s stress for you. Not such a trivial matter as some people seem to still want to believe. Do try not to let it go quite so far again.

Veronica 12 years ago

Glad you’re back! Good for you for taking some time to find your balance again. It’s not an easy thing to do sometimes.

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I’ve always been a tea drinker – I grew up drinking Tetley’s Orange Pekoe and their Chai, and considered myself to really like tea.

I’ve been working various retail jobs to put myself through higher education. One day at my store, a customer left a newly purchased bag of loose-leaf behind. We waited for three days for said customer to return, but they (likely not realizing where they had left their bag) did not return to claim the would-be brew. Too bad for them; lucky for me! I claimed the bag, took it home, and awkwardly made my first cup of loose-leaf tea with the only strainer we owned which was small enough.

I haven’t bothered with Tetley since. For the most part (and due to convenience), my patronage is limited to David’s Tea and Teavana. I also order from 52teas and Verdant Tea.

My rating system – hah, I don’t have a rating system. I rate teas a lot like Ebert rates movies. Everything’s relative.

I may often forget to mention it, but you can safely assume everything I drink is sweetened in one way or another – most rock sugar, or honey for green and white teas. I have not yet achieved drinking most tea clear. The few teas I drink unsweetened include milk oolong and genmaicha so far.

The guy in my avatar can be bought at Teaopia or here:

I currently work for Teavana. But I just work there, and my opinions about any of their teas are entirely my own and not meant to be reflective of the views of the company.

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