Nice “aperitif” tea, nothing too fancy and definetly a good starter for conversations that doesnt take the spotlight on tea
Tastes balanced and really a bit like a Gin & Tonic
Searched for the most bitter tea I could find for my father
Aspirin medicine bitterness through more than 9 infusions you have to be into bitterness to like this tea
Starts with Menthol in the first 2-3 steeps, definetly not a Ruby cultivar 4-6th relatively easy drinking and not too strong in terms of flavour 7th steep is goodbye
Ohhhh my I love this minty smell from the cake, thats is transported in the liquor too Transform so smooth to a sweetness after some steeps Sweetness, mintyness and I cant get enough of it
Tasty mint, menthol, fruity plum Awesome if you´ve never tasted “real” black tea
I learned to love this tea so much, besides Lapsang Liquor its my favourite black tea