Haha awesome. I somehow wrecked it after the 3rd steep, but I’ll be trying again. The most I’ve steeped an oolong for currently is 5 steeps, so I want to at least make it to that haha.
I love oolongs! Definitely a fan. for some reason I don’t think I ordered this one with my last davids order? :\
It’s ridiculously expensive but definitely good. I keep Tung Ting Vietnam on hand for my permanent oolong though.
This stuff should resteep 4-8 times :P
Haha awesome. I somehow wrecked it after the 3rd steep, but I’ll be trying again. The most I’ve steeped an oolong for currently is 5 steeps, so I want to at least make it to that haha.
I love oolongs! Definitely a fan. for some reason I don’t think I ordered this one with my last davids order? :\
It’s ridiculously expensive but definitely good. I keep Tung Ting Vietnam on hand for my permanent oolong though.
I have davids other oolongs. Meant to order that one too. Will resolve that problem next tea order. Ooops! Have you had their Milk Oolong? its super good too. And uhm. follow me?