4307 Tasting Notes
52teas 12 Teas of Christmas 2023 – Day 8
Ooh, this sounds right up my alley!
It’s good, but I mostly get banana and oolong, not so much the eggnog part. It’s a bit of a banana taffy type flavor, and the oolong is clean and mineral without a lot of floral presence. Searching for some nutmeg or cream but sadly not finding it.
Still a nice tea though, just not very eggnog to me.
Flavors: Banana, Candy, Clean, Mineral, Silky, Smooth, Sweet
Thésaurus Tea Fandom Advent Calendar 2023 – Day 20
This one is super interesting. I don’t think I’ve ever seen honeysuckle like this in a tea? Like, it’s actually the full long stamens of honeysuckle flowers, and it looks so cool.
I assume the black tea here is lapsang, because I’m definitely getting a savory smoky note. Otherwise it’s a mellow but fresh mix of resinous flavors – Labrador tea, cedar, and rosemary are all in here, along with lemon balm. I don’t have enough experience with Labrador tea to know which notes are coming from that vs. the cedar, but it definitely has a very unusual evergreen flavor profile. I can pick out the rosemary as well, luckily it’s not overpowering. I do taste those lightly sweet nectar notes from the honeysuckle on the top end.
Really just a super interesting blend, and one that I really enjoyed. Then again, I do tend to love woodsy teas. ;)
Flavors: Cedar, Evergreen, Herbaceous, Honeysuckle, Nectar, Resin, Rosemary, Sap, Savory, Smoked, Sweet, Wood, Woodsy
Tea at the White House Advent Calendar 2023 – Day 20
I was afraid I had accidentally used too much water for this teabag (I got distracted while I was pouring from the kettle lol), but it seems to have come out fine.
Really nice buttery caramel sort of flavor without being overly artificial. I definitely get the toffee sauce inspiration. However, I don’t really get the pudding? Still, quite nice and I always appreciate a more restrained hand with flavoring.
Flavors: Brown Sugar, Butter, Butterscotch, Caramel, Earthy, Smooth, Sweet
Bird & Blend Matcha Advent Calendar 2023 – Day 20
Plain ol’ matcha today! I actually shook this up into an iced eggnog latte, and I have no regrets. I still get plenty of matcha flavor, but also that lovely sweet, rich, nutmeggy eggnog. It actually reminds me a bit of some of the more concentrated matcha chocolates I’ve had in the past, with that sweet creaminess paired with the earthy matcha. I had some Kit-Kits once that were some sort of fancy, more intense matcha version, and that’s what this is making me think of. Tasty!
Sipology Advent Calendar 2023 – Day 19
This is a pleasant enough cinnamon rooibos. I do get a tiny bit of maple richness in the finish, but mostly the rooibos overpowers it. Wasn’t there a tea in this advent called Cinnamon Sugar Donut? I feel like that name fits this tea better, since there’s nothing really waffley about it.
Flavors: Cinnamon, Honey, Maple, Rooibos, Sweet, Woody
DIY Kyoto Obubu Advent Calendar – Day 19
So toasty! Honestly this might be the more intense-tasting of their hojicha, even though it’s not the darkest roast. It just has quite a strong toasty, woody flavor to it with a hint of bitterness. It’s not necessarily smoky, but it reminds me of being around a campfire and the way wood smells when the moisture is escaping and making steam. That’s weirdly specific, but there you are lol.
Not my favorite of their hojicha, but still so tasty.
Thésaurus Tea Fandom Advent Calendar 2023 – Day 19
Tulsi again? At least I like tulsi, he he.
This mostly just tastes like tulsi with a bit of that mouth-coating licorice root sweetness. I don’t notice the white tea and the lemon balm likely blends in with the tulsi.
It’s fine, though I could do without the licorice root. Mostly not really understanding the point of a blend where I can only mostly taste one ingredient? (shrugs)
Flavors: Herbaceous, Licorice Root, Mint, Pepper, Sweet, Tulsi
Tea at the White House Advent Calendar 2023 – Day 19
This is nice! It’s sort of what I wish Bonfire Toffee from B&B would have been. Good balance of cooked apple with candy-spicy cinnamon and a dash of savory smoke. I think I’m getting a bit of the cranberry as well? Which would be shocking ha ha.
Really nice fall and winter tea, I might actually have to seek this one out…
Flavors: Apple, Candy, Cinnamon, Cranberry, Earthy, Savory, Smoked, Smooth, Spices, Sweet, Tart
52teas 12 Teas of Christmas 2023 – Day 7
So I couldn’t really tell that this was meant to taste like caramel corn. Honestly I didn’t get much flavoring at all in the taste? When I smelled the dry leaf, I guessed maybe hazelnut and something creamy, but that was obviously wrong ha ha.
Steeped up, I mostly taste the black tea? Which tastes like it has at least some Ceylon in it, which is not my favorite. I’m wondering if a shorter steep might do this one some good, I’ll have to try that next time.
Flavors: Acidic, Astringent, Earthy, Metallic, Musty, Tannic
Bird & Blend Matcha Advent Calendar 2023 – Day 19
Ooh banana. This is nice, but doesn’t have a strong enough banana flavor for me. As an iced latte it’s very yummy and creamy, but the banana is a bit subtle and I would like it to be at the forefront. For what it’s worth, it does taste quite natural though.
But that’s okay, I already have a favorite banana matcha from 3 Leaf, he he… :3
Flavors: Banana, Creamy, Grassy, Smooth, Sweet