This tea smells amazingly like lemon candy when dry. Sadly, that probably bumped the tea down a few notches here, because it doesn’t taste like lemon candy — it’s very sweet (I did add honey as they recommended), and it definitely has both lemon and candy tones, but it’s not that bright lemon drop experience. On the other hand, once I got over that disappointment, it’s a lovely lemon green tea! It’s very smooth and earthy underneath the lemon — brewed it smells a bit grassy, in a really nice way — and it’s not at all puckery, nor is it medicinal once the honey is added. (It was faintly back-of-the-mouth-medicine in the first few sips before I put in a small squeeze of honey, but that might also have been that the water was still rather hot.)
Also, it’s very pretty dry: take a look at the picture!