894 Tasting Notes

drank Dragon Lychee Pearls by Tealyra
894 tasting notes

So delicious. The best lychee tea I’ve had yet. Today the lychee flavour really stood out, with the base taking a back seat, but the base is lovely and compliments the lychee so well.

I used 8 pearls in my cup.

Sadly, went for a second steep, but it’s just not quite worth drinking.

Flavors: Lychee, Smooth

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML

Agreed! This tea is really good.


Yeah, I’m definitely ordering more next time I make a tealux purchase.

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Mmm a delicious Yunnan as my first cup of the lunar new year. This is a delicious tea – rich, almost boozy, with lots of malt and sweet potato notes. Somewhat broth-like and a bit meaty-savoury, with a hint of cocoa at the end of the sip. Super smooth. Absolutely wonderful.

Flavors: Alcohol, Broth, Malt, Meat, Smooth, Sweet Potatoes

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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I threw my Yunnan Dian Hong Golden Tips (Teavivre) and North Winds (Whispering Pines) leaves together for a second steeping, and made it into a delicious latte. Yum yum!

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A delicious sipdown. Similar but different to the golden tips Dian Hong I drank right before this cup.

Notes of malt and chocolate, with a hint of pepper. This was almost too rich and desserty after another cup of chocolatey tea, but oh so tasty.

I will probably pick up some of this one of these days.

Flavors: Chocolate, Malt, Peppercorn

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML

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Oh my god, I forgot how good this tea is. In fact, I don’t think I appreciated this the first time I had it as I do right now.

It’s so rich and nuanced, with more flavours than I recall picking up on last time. Cocoa, sweet potatoes, malt, baked bread, flowers and bergamot.

I’m raising my rating and I think I need to restock this when my sample is done.

Flavors: Bergamot, Bread, Cocoa, Flowers, Malt, Sweet

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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This is my first cup of tea of the day, and it is so wonderful. Today’s cup has some rich smokey notes, along with dates, plums and chocolate. Just fantastic, and just what I’ve been needing.

It’s been a rough day. -30C this morning. I drove to the grocery store and then my car wouldn’t start again. Fortunately, I was just a few blocks from home and from my partners’ work. My sweetie came and brought a battery booster pack, but we weren’t able to start it, so I borrowed their car of the day. I mostly love my Smart Car, but it’s just not built for weather like this – I suppose not much is, and even fewer diesel vehicles.

Spent several hours scrubbing every surface of the fridge and stove, showed the apartment to a potential subletter, and then picked up my partners at work, so they could help me with another go at getting it started, or towing it back home.

Luckily, it warmed up a bit (only -22C! Why do I live here??) and so we were able to get the car to turn over. So now I’m at home drinking tea, and about to make another cup of tea. I am so done for the day.

I hope tomorrow is less of an exhausting clusterfuck.

Flavors: Chocolate, Dates, Plum, Smoke

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Ugh, I feel your pain. Replacing my battery has (so far!) been successful at getting my car to start reliably. I’ve been told that car batteries have a really limited lifespan in climates like this – like a car battery is supposed to last 4-5yrs, but might be only 2-3yrs up here. Also, I’ve since discovered that my driving patterns (lots of short trips – what can I say, it’s a small town!) are actually really hard on the battery. Hrmph.

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MmmmMMmmmmMMmmm so good. Such a delicious latte.

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Meh. This smelled like amazing macadamia nuts when I opened the packet – rich, nutty, sweet and buttery. But that delicious flavour doesn’t quite carry over to the flavour. It’s sort of generically nutty and grassy, with an odd burnt note. Sadly, not getting the sweet, buttery flavour of macadamias. :(

It’s drinkable but I’m not a fan.

Flavors: Burnt, Butter, Grass, Nuts, Sweet

1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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A very light and fruity oolong. I’m almost reminded of a white tea. No bitterness or astringency, just lots of light apricot notes.

I steeped 6 pearls grandpa style. Quite tasty, but I think this needs another try.

Flavors: Apricot, Fruity


I’ve been hearing the term “grandpa style” a lot lately hahah I’m just know figuring out what it is. :)

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reviewed Brewing Basket by Finum
894 tasting notes

I love almost everything about these filters. I have two mediums, and they fit perfectly into all of my cups, mostly 8oz, some 12. There’s lots of room inside for leaves to expand fully, and the superfine mesh is wonderful – only the very finest dust escapes. You will never find stray rooibos needles or fannings in your cup.

There are two things about these baskets that make me unable to rate them 100.

I find them aesthetically pretty blah. They’re very functional but not very beautiful.

And, the plastic frame traps smells more than all metal brew baskets. I find that with flavoured teas, it can be very difficult to get the fragrance out enough for it to not taint my next cup of tea, even with soap, bleach and soaking in hot water. The smell does fade fairly quickly if the basket dries completely, but it’s a pain.

Still, these are awesome brewing baskets and I haven’t found anything better.


Yup. The smell trapping thing. I still love my finum, but I hate that it does that sometimes… I’ve also noticed that if I use strong smelling dish soap, that soapy smell can get absorbed. Even with that, though, I do love the thing. lol


Are these better than the metal ones from Davidstea??


so weird. I’ve never had a problem with smell contamination. I own 5? of these. whatshesaid – imo yes.. but if you ever want to buy these and the cad $ stops sucking upton is generally the best pricing out there…but maybe not anymore with the exchange rate :(


I haven’t tried the infuser from DAVIDs, so I’m not sure how fine the mesh is on those. The Finum has mesh that’s as fine as woven fabric, so pretty much nothing escapes.

I bought mine from Amazon.ca – a two pack for $19, and I have Prime, so no extra shipping. Upton definitely has the cheapest base price I’ve seen, but with the exchange rate and shipping maybe not the cheapest overall for Canadians.


The Finums are way finer than the metal filters from DavidsTea. :) I don’t have a Finum, but I have Takeya pitchers and they use this kind of mesh.


I just bought one of these off Amazon this week. Thanks for the heads up about strong smelling teas!


hmm. I haven’t really had too much issue with Davidstea’s metal steeper… I think i would rather have a few errant floaties once in a while than have to worry about a plastic steeper that absorbs all the smells of every tea I drink.

although – denture tablets probably would work!


well, i was on amazon checking them out and now I want one. I’m too easily influenced. PEER PRESSURE!!

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I grew up drinking jasmine green tea with meals, but really fell in love with tea on a trip to Britain in elementary school. My first great love was Earl Grey, and I still adore it and all its variants.

I discovered the beauty of loose leaf tea much later, when, on impulse, I picked up a few teas that were on clearance at a home store. My introduction to loose leaf teas were Masala Chai and Provence Rooibos by the Metropolitan Tea Co and an unknown brand of kukicha and gyokuro (little did I know what a precious treasure I’d stumbled onto with that.)

At the time I was lucky to live in a place with multiple tea shops and several places to have afternoon tea, which is a delight I still miss.

Tea is part of my daily ritual and a nice, affordable way to appease the collector in me.

I enjoy distinctive whites, greens and oolongs, flavoured blacks, and herbals that are heavy on the citrus, lavender or mint.

Rating rubric, to give myself some consistency:
0-15 Yuck, not even drinkable.
16-30 Disappointing, not really inclined to give it a second try.
31-45 Disappointing, but maybe there’s potential? Worth one more try, prepped differently.
46-60 Mediocre, not terrible but not memorable.
61-75 Not bad. I’ll definitely finish what I have and might buy again.
76-90 Very enjoyable. Tasty, complex, it’ll keep me coming back.
91-100 BEST! I love everything about it and I will drink it forever.

Beyond tea, I’m a sex educator, polyamory activist, and radical queer. I love backwoods camping, abstract painting, baking & cooking, nail polish, cats, ceramic sculpture, and home nesting.


Winnipeg, MB, Canada

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