It is saturday, early evening and the boyfriend is cooking something or other involving lentils. I’ve been editing all day (booooring!), and it occurred to me that the Sample of the Day would have to be now, because when we’ve eaten, I’ll probably be elsewhere watching tv for the rest of the evening.
For that reason Sample Week continues with something easy, and ‘something easy’ is defined as ‘something in a bag’.
I’m not really that fond of mint. I can eat it in most things, and I can tolerate it in teas although it’s not something I’ll ever really seek out, I don’t think. I absolutely cannot stand it as the filling in After Eights or similar chocolates, although there I believe it’s more a question of not liking the cream than not liking the mint.
So mint herbals is something I drink when I’m ill and real tea tastes funny, and it’s not something I would be likely to seek out as flavouring in tea on my own.
The aroma is quite minty. It’s very like a basic mint herbal only a bit weaker. Probably the green tea holding it back a little. I can’t find any notes of green tea anywhere in the aroma though. Only mint.
So the aroma isn’t really that promising for me, but the flavour turns out to be better than the aroma. The actual mint flavour isn’t really that overwhelming although it is still pretty strong, and here I can definitely identify the presence of some generic green tea of some sort. It’s not possible to discern any specific characteristics of it, other than the fact that it’s definitely there.
There is a whole lot of mint flavour, but the base of the green tea, and the fact that it’s detectable, is keeping the whole thing grounded a bit. A pure mint herbal, when the tastebuds are not hindered by illness, to me tastes a bit like a solution of water and toothpaste.
The green tea here keeps the same fate from befalling this tea. It’s more grounded, less flimsy and a lot more pleasant.