drank White Christmas by 52teas
470 tasting notes

My tastebuds have been shot recently due to a nasty cold, but I’m finally feeling better which of course means it’s time to taste some new teas! I actually just got this yesterday along with Smaug, my second package from my tea of the week plan! Best Christmas present ever. The black base lends some almost cocoa qualities, but not overwhelmingly so. Definitely not going to be hard to finish off my pouch! I think it would actually be really fun to infuse some actual marshmallows with this blend.

52tea’s marshmallow blends are some of my favorite from them, along with their cotton candy ones. I dream of one day having a marshmallow cotton candy blend! And of course I love peppermint, so I knew this was going to be a winner before I even took the fist heavenly sniff. It smells like peppermint patties! The smell reminds me a lot of Della Terra’s Peppermint Bark and David’s Santa’s Secret, but this one definitely stands out among creamy peppermint blends. It doesn’t taste candy-like or artificial when you brew it, but the peppermint stays crisp and bright. It’s mellowed out a bit from the marshmallow, which has that same sweet fluffy quality I love in my beloved Kitten Tea.


Mmmmm this sounds tasty! Glad the marshmallow has mellowed the mint out

Autistic Goblin

It’s a pretty tasty tea :D


I just received some of this and I hope I like it as much as you do!


If you like peppermint I think it’s hard not to love this tea!

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Mmmmm this sounds tasty! Glad the marshmallow has mellowed the mint out

Autistic Goblin

It’s a pretty tasty tea :D


I just received some of this and I hope I like it as much as you do!


If you like peppermint I think it’s hard not to love this tea!

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Tea has always been a passion of mine, though I got away from it during college. A lack of cupboard space and a constant influx of people into my suite made me pretty much abandon my teas at home. But now that I’m done with school, it’s definitely come back with a vengeance—to the point where I’ve purchased about 65 different kinds in the past 3 months!

I like most kinds of teas—yes, even peach, which I used to think I disliked!. Oolongs are definitely my favorite, and I’m an avid fan of earl grey, floral teas, and chai blends along with anything melon. The only kind of teas on my “no” list are rooibos blends (which gives me headaches) and banana flavored ones since bananas are public enemy #1 in my mind.

The best thing about tea for me is how you can be passionate about it and still have it integrate into all of your other hobbies. I like a lot of things: writing, video games, books, sewing, figure collecting, astronomy… it’s a long list. But whatever I’m doing, I can have a cup of tea in hand!


New York



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