This is excellent sweet puerh with a fair amount of fermentation flavor left. It is thick with notes of cocoa and dates. The fact that it has dates notes is interesting to me as these usually develop in aged ripe puerh but this seems to have them. Perhaps my adding a small amount of sugar brought them out but I think they were there none the less. I think I want to pick up 4 more ounces of this so I have some to age. I don’t know how long this will be in stock.
I brewed this three times in a 12 oz teapot with 9.2g leaf and boiling water. I gave each infusion 30 seconds. I do not use long steeps when I brew this way, I use more of a hybrid method with puerh, using short steeps and a larger, non gongfu, teapot. I find the brewing puerh for 3 minutes is unnecessary unless you are using a much smaller amount of tea when you brew.
Flavors: Dates