Uh oh. Methinks I may have underleafed this?
I steeped it just under boiling for 5 minutes. The first sip made me go, WHOO ASSAM – and then all the subsequent sips have been a lot more mild. I’ve heard Assams are supposed to be bold, and while I’m certainly getting an Assam quality, it’s muted. I’m afraid to try brewing it more because I let it steep for 5 minutes.
No numbers for now. Next time I’m going to try more leaves. Oh well, still a pleasant morning cup.
EDIT: Forgot to credit Nicole for the sample! Also, it got more Assam-y as it cooled. Tea is so weird. Science.
“Uh oh. Methinks I may have underleafed this?”
A digital scale such as http://steepster.com/teas/teaware/37731-my-weigh-durascale-d2-660-digital-scale is very handy for a more consistent cup of tea.
“Uh oh. Methinks I may have underleafed this?”
A digital scale such as http://steepster.com/teas/teaware/37731-my-weigh-durascale-d2-660-digital-scale is very handy for a more consistent cup of tea.
More leaves and be wary of that 5 minutes. :)