Mmmm, this one smells so good, it’s just crying out for cream and sugar – but I’ll start it off solo and see how it goes. Steeped for five minutes at just under boiling, the scent is mouth-watering – chocolate and malt. Yum, tastes chocolatey, and creamy as well. Not sure how they get the creamy flavor in there without there being any cream in it yet! I think they must use a fairly mild black tea as the base, because the tea flavors are present but mild. There’s very little astringency or bitterness.
Okay, can’t hold off any longer – I’m putting in the cream and sugar. Wow, it’s really like a light-bodied hot chocolate now, but just enough tea flavoring in there to make it different from that. A little bit of yeasty/bready flavor in there too. I like this a lot!