I recently tried Grand Jasmin Mao Feng, a jasmine tea from Palais des Thés. Here’s my detailed review of the experience:


- Temperature: 165°F / 73°C
- Time: 0 min, 30 sec
- Tea Amount: 5 g
- Water Volume: 3 oz / 100 ml


Palais des Thés calls this one subtle and creamy. Let’s see, we steep at 75°C with a steep of 25 seconds.

Second Steep:

Slightly bitter, jasmine lacks definition, shocking for this price point.

Third Steep:

Bitter, bitter, bitter and gross. It’s not all over the place though; I can see that the jasmine itself is the cause of the bitterness, like drinking ear wax: ew.

Fourth Steep:

Oh wow, this is just bad, bad bad bad. Where’s the creaminess? Where’s the subtlety? I cannot describe how bitter this is; it’s like ear wax with extra ear wax.


Worst jasmine tea I’ve had, and I wish I was kidding.

Flavors: Bitter, Jasmine, Wax


- Flavor Complexity: 5/30 – Lacks depth and is overwhelmingly bitter.
- Brewing Forgiveness: 5/20 – Very sensitive to brewing parameters, easily becomes undrinkable.
- Consistency Across Infusions: 5/20 – Consistently unpleasant across multiple steeps.
- Overall Enjoyment: 5/30 – Not enjoyable at all.


- yaro

Flavors: Bitter, Jasmine, Wax

165 °F / 73 °C 0 min, 30 sec 5 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

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