Whoops, it’s been a while since I’ve logged anything. I’ve been rather busy as of late what with bumbling through the Real World with this job thing and bills and insurance and whatnot. When I found out I was eligible for a retirement investment plan thing I went full on into “I have no idea what I’m doing” mode for a good week or so until I (hopefully) figured out what to do with that.
Anyway, I think I’m slowly getting the hang of this…
In the meantime, I’ve mostly been sipping on some old favourites and didn’t get around to writing notes of new teas I’ve had as of late. Fortunately I still have some left for most of them so I can revisit and take notes when I can.
I rinsed this one once for 5 seconds and somewhat absentmindledly drank it by accident.
Now I’m on steep 2 or 3. Or maybe 4. I can’t remember which because my hands are on autopilot since my brain yells “MORE” every time it notices the cup is empty. It’s really starting to open up (in flavour and the ball unfurling) at this point though, which makes me think I’m on steep 4.
One orb that I forgot to weigh, 150 ml gaiwan that I tend to underfill. 5-10 second steeps.
Smooth and silky mouthfeel. There’s an edge of vegetal tartness/bitterness to it that complements the hint of floral sweetness and juciness I’m getting. The aftertaste (huigan? ugh I’ve forgotten a lot of terms as well) is quite prominent. Sweet sugarcane, I think? Man, I’ve got to work on identifying flavours better.
It’s been a while since I’ve been properly tea drunk but I think this can easily get me there. I’m feeling pretty tea buzzed right now. I’m feeling surprisingly alert and energetic (a little bouncy) yet calm at the moment.
It’s almost midnight so I don’t know if I’ll steep this to the end tonight or set it aside to dry and then work on it in the morning but there’s still a lot left in this tiny orb!
(Steep #x + 1 : so soothing. Aftertaste keeps getting sweeter and sweeter. I’m taking longer pauses between each sip to just enjoy the aftertaste. Also I’m surprisingly calm/content now considering I was feeling pretty down all day today. Tea is great.)
The morning after:
Steep #x + 4 or 5
a) this is still going pretty strong.
b) huigan makes me think I’ve eaten some candies.
c) still smooth, flavour has veered a little more vegetal but the sweetness is still there. I think at this point I’m mostly paying attention to the huigan. I’m kind of in love with the huigan.
d) guys, I think I’m tea drunk again.
2.5 hours later and I’m definitely tea drunk. Of the calm yet bouncy kind.
The morning after:
Steep #x + 4 or 5
a) this is still going pretty strong.
b) huigan makes me think I’ve eaten some candies.
c) still smooth, flavour has veered a little more vegetal but the sweetness is still there. I think at this point I’m mostly paying attention to the huigan. I’m kind of in love with the huigan.
d) guys, I think I’m tea drunk again.