drank Black Currant by EnjoyingTea.com
31 tasting notes

This produces a cup of liquified burnt rubber…

I guess I may not be fair in scoring this, as I felt the need to write notes on teas I have not enjoyed. I got it as a free sample from EnjoyingTea.com with a purchase of a teapot.

You may know from my Marco Polo (Mariage Brothers) note, I am not a fan of flavoured teas. And this is one of the teas that has fueled my crusade against flavoured leaves.

The leaves are somewhat of quality: broken to full with contrast of browns and blacks, it has cornflowers added to it. I brewed this at boiling for five minutes in a 20 oz. white teapot. The resulting cup was that simply of liquified burnt rubber, I cannot pull myself to explain what the body was or any other tasting notes than that of liquified burnt rubber.

I threw the remaining leaves in the compost…

Again I say I’m not being quite fair here, but my experience from this tea is clearly that of my score. If I do try this again, for whatever reason, I would try brewing it at a lowered temp, and try some additions to it.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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