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I blame half of my tea obsession on Japan and the time I spent there in a study abroad program. Tea is everywhere in Japan, and I drank it daily while staying with my host family. When I came back home, I found myself craving it!

The other half of my tea obsession I blame on my job as a barista at Borders, where we serve Tazo loose leaf teas. I hadn’t even considered loose leaf teas a possibility until I started working there! The freshness and the difference in quality really turned me on to loose leaf teas.

So bit by bit, I’ve been increasing my tea self-education, and I drink tea at least once a day. I love trying new kinds, and unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it), the more I learn, the more I want to try!

In addition to tea, I also enjoy books and music. If you would like, look for me on last.fm (user: giragirataiyou) or Goodreads (user: thexquietxlife). :)



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