No. 3 of my sampler! I was REALLY excited to try this, ’cuz it just sounded sooooo good.
The leaves smell sweet and caramely, but not overly so. There’s still definitely the scent of earthy tea under there. The combination smells really yummy.
The tea itself… has an odd, slightly bitter aftertaste. It’s possible I steeped for too long. The package said 2-3 mins, and I did 3, so this could have been my own fault. But aside from that, it has a nice, lightly sweet flavor that I really enjoy. The caramel/sugar flavor does not overpower the oolong, which I’m really happy about! I’m definitely a fan. Overall, I’d have to say it tastes earthy but sweet.
Perhaps I’ll have to add this to my collection (and not oversteep it next time)! :)
Can’t wait to try this one. Darn, I have so much tea to try over the weekend.