This tea just came in the mail yesterday, and I’m just getting to trying this one today. The loose tea smells bizarre—I take one sniff, and I get honeybush, and the next sniff I get cinnamon like WHOA, and the next sniff I get something else entirely, a rather eggnog-ish smell. The brew is dark and auburn-colored, smelling very much like hot eggnog. I steeped it for about 3-4 minutes, and now I have to wait for it to cool off a bit…
I tried it without sugar first. I’m not sure if the eggnog-y flavor is coming from the honeybush, but even without sugar, that’s the primary flavor, right at the front. The cinnamon will probably come forward once I add some sugar.
After one teaspoon of sugar, the cinnamon does start to play a part, and I get the “Cinnamon Roll” taste. I can taste now that the eggnog-ness COMBINED with the cinnamon is what creates that flavor. I think perhaps I ought to have let it steep a smidgen longer, but I am enjoying the overall effect. Half a teaspoon more of sugar rounds it out even more (I don’t know if it’s just my palate, but I find that for ~10 oz. of tea, two teaspoons of sugar is usually perfect, no matter what type of tea it is).
I’m impressed! It’s clearly an ‘herbal’, because there’s no astringency, but it’s a very nice thing to have on a crisp day. It’s almost a crisp day here, about as crisp as autumn gets in this area of the world… so still appropriate. :)
I can’t wait till my order arrives! I really want to love this tea… I am pretty sure I will!