Mugicha - Roasted Barley Tea

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Herbal Tea
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Bitter, Burnt, Burnt Food, Char, Toast
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From Uji no tsuyu

All natural made in Japan Roasted barley tea. No caffeine, additives and artificial colouring.

Mugicha can be enjoyed hot or cold.

1. To make tea with boiling water. Place one tea pack into 2 litre of boiling water and boil for 3 minutes.

2. To make tea with cold water. Place one tea pack into 1 litre of cold water and leave it in fridge for 1 hour.

Ingredients: Barley

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2 Tasting Notes

16956 tasting notes

So this one came way of MissB about half a year ago in the 12 Days of Christmas exchange. At the time I held off on making it because I was intimidated by the quantity you have to make at one time for a bag of this. But yesterday I just sorta went “nope, fuck it” and set one of the bags up to cold brew overnight.

What a mistake that was.

After an eleven hour steep this was the same intense dark brown colour as Rootbeer or Coke, but without the fun bubbles and carbonation. I feel like it was at that point I knew I had made a terrible mistake. I really did make an effort to drink and like this one, but honestly all I got from it was the taste of really, really burnt toast. Like, black charcoal toast.

By some miracle I convinced Bobbi to try some at work and she made the biggest face I’ve ever seen her make in regard to any tea I’ve had her try. She was maybe a little nicer about describing it though; she called it “burnt coffee”. Either way, we agree it tastes very burnt.

I have one more pouch of this left – I will probably cold brew it just to get rid of it (I debated passing it on to VariaTEA but I really feel like she would not enjoy it) but with a significantly shorter brew time.


Flavors: Bitter, Burnt, Burnt Food, Char, Toast


Well thank you for saving me from this horrible taste experience

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