Flavor Profile:Reddish brown brew, sweet aroma and full-bodied texture. Smooth with a slight smokiness similar to roasted potatoes.
Ingredients:100% Organic Black Tea Leaves.
Certified Organic by:Quality Assurance International (QAI)
Yunnan ‘South Cloud’ is regarded as one of the areas for the Genesis of tea. The Southern part of this province is home to the Mekong and Lancang river basins and for the famous Puer category of teas. It is also the native home of the ‘Dayeh’, broad leaf tea varietal, which provides unique flavor profiles.
Dian Hong
During third century BC, the central area of Yunnan, around present day Kunming (major city), was known as ‘Dian’. Often Yunnan black teas are referred to as Dian Hong teas.
Yunnan Black Teas
Yunnan black teas vary in their flavor and appearance. Some grades have more golden buds and a very sweet and gentle aroma without astringency. Others make a darker, brown brew that is bright, uplifting and slightly sharp.
Tippy South Cloud
Made at a 100% organic tea garden with a mix of black and gold tipped leaves. The golden color emerges during processing and after accurate withering, moisture drying of the leaves. Few areas in Yunnan contain these type of plants. Other areas known to have golden tipped varietals Hunan and Fujian in China and Assam in India.