Persian Princess

Tea type
Black Tea
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205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 8 oz / 236 ml

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17 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I love the names that Devotea gives to their teas. TerriHarpLady was kind enough to share a lot of them with me. I would, no joke, choke to death, if I tried to drink this while holding a sugar...” Read full tasting note
  • “Kicking my day off with this tea as it says it is a strong blend. Let me tell you I NEED that this morning. We had to leave the house much earlier than usual…twenty minutes to be exact. Twenty...” Read full tasting note
  • “I love how savory this one is, yet it’s not hair-rising or hard to drink at all, smooth like all the other Devoteas. I could totally drink this one again. I’ve said that for practically all of...” Read full tasting note
  • “Desiring a potent cup of black, & drank some of this one, for it’s satisfying shiny Obsidian quality, like a smooth piece of black glass. I’ve never tried it with the sugar cube. Probably never...” Read full tasting note

From The Devotea

A blend made for drinking over a sugar cube held between the teeth, in the ancient Persian courtly style.

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17 Tasting Notes

871 tasting notes

I love the names that Devotea gives to their teas. TerriHarpLady was kind enough to share a lot of them with me.

I would, no joke, choke to death, if I tried to drink this while holding a sugar cube in my mouth. I am also not a huge fan of sweetening my straight blacks, so I tried this one straight.

It is delicious straight. It actually has some sweetness to it. I am finding it moderately bold, very smooth, slightly creamy, a bit of earthiness. There is no astringency. I definitely see this tea as an afternoon delight. I certainly could see it as a tea fit for a princess!

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec
Robert Godden

I made a video about this at around the time I invented the tea. I have learnt a lot since. And found the right sugar. But here it is:

Robert Godden

Oh, and thanks for the review. By coincidence, I am drinking Persian Princess myself this morning. (Blended up ten kilos yesterday, so this is quality control. It’s a hard life)

Terri HarpLady

Yay!! So glad you like this one Lala!! I am sending the last bit of it to Sil, & I’m sure I’ll have to get more.
Robert, love the video, LOL.


I’d likely choke to death trying too :)

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421 tasting notes

Kicking my day off with this tea as it says it is a strong blend. Let me tell you I NEED that this morning. We had to leave the house much earlier than usual…twenty minutes to be exact. Twenty precious minutes where I could have been sleeping. ;) So this tea is needed this morning! It smells bold and rich. First sip offered a nice kick to the system and my taste buds. This certainly is a hearty tea even if Princess is in the name. I like it.

Boiling 3 min, 45 sec

Did you buy samples, or a tin?


I bought Lord Petersham and Finbarr’s Revenge as larger packets. But they were good enough to send me this and a few others as samples. I plan to do a blog review of all of them very soon.


Look forward to it!

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612 tasting notes

I love how savory this one is, yet it’s not hair-rising or hard to drink at all, smooth like all the other Devoteas. I could totally drink this one again. I’ve said that for practically all of the ones in the sampler I’ve tried! I have enough to try it again some time with a raw sugarcube, but without it’s just dandy.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec
Robert Godden

Thanks for your comment.
Persian Princess is a tea from our original collection and it was the tea involved in my favourite review of any we’ve had. It’s just a lovely piece:
I think the blog is worth a read, but then I’m biased!

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3294 tasting notes

Desiring a potent cup of black, & drank some of this one, for it’s satisfying shiny Obsidian quality, like a smooth piece of black glass. I’ve never tried it with the sugar cube. Probably never will.


The sugar cube thing sounds cute and strange


That’s Russian style too. At least used to be. Samovar and sugar cubes

Terri HarpLady

I think it would be fun to try, but I can’t really eat sugar cubes, so it will never happen.
For everyone’s entertainment, here’s a video of the Devotea himself, Robert Godden, attempting the sugar cube :D


cool video

Robert Godden

I later found the right sugar, which actually makes it a lot more manageable.

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348 tasting notes

Like a lot of the Devotea’s teas I’ve tried, this had the same malty underpinning with a smooth – almost floral – delivery. This, more so, though. Likely to match its namesake. Not quite as robust as the 1910, but a little more refined than Finbarr’s Revenge. This one’s a sneaky mistress.

Full Review:

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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1598 tasting notes

Thanks Sil for sharing this with me! It WAS strong so I added milk and maple agave to and it was really delicious that way!

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359 tasting notes

Cup of the morning graciously offered by the lovely Terri Harplady.

Oh, me and Terri, we do love our black teas don’t we?

Haven’t checked if they ship to Canada yet and if shipping is reasonable, but I’m this close of placing an order…

It had me at Persian Princess, what a pretty name!

It’s supposed to be a blend. Not much info on it, except for that sugar cube thing, nice fun fact. Not going to try it though, I know it takes a special kind of hard sugar and really, who needs it?

Cause this tea is so naturally sweet, I wouldn’t dare add anything to it!

It’s rich, malty and full bodied…Assam and Keemun maybe? Slightly earthy with hints of smoke.

I used the whole sample in my brand new 24oz mug…so big, it’s like drinking directly from a tea pot ;-)


Terri, I knew our swap meant trouble :-)

Cameron B.

I remember reading the description for this tea and thinking wow that must be really strong or bitter or something if they have to drink it with sugar in their mouths… So strange that it’s naturally sweet anyway! Hah, now I’m picturing a fairy trying to drink out of a 24 ounce mug… Lul.


Haha! Maybe I’m just sitting on the rim :-)

Or maybe this is how it would look like :

Cameron B.

I don’t know if you’ve seen Bee Movie, but I kind of imagined it like that.


Awww! Loved Bee Movie!! So cute :-)

Robert Godden

The idea of drinking it with milk does come form the same culture that will stew a tea up to several hours until it is a thick black paste and then add hot water. In that case, the sugar tends to be more necessary!

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493 tasting notes

Morning cup. Sample came from Terri HarpLady – thank you.
This tea is very fine and smooth, feminine. I think it would be great as afternoon tea. Not robust, gentle kick of caffeine. No sugar for me. But I remember drinking tea with sugar cubes when I lived in Russia. The sugar has to be like rock, that it wouldn’t dissolve quickly but give just slight sweetness. It’s a peasant way of drinking, they didn’t have any desserts.
Thank you so much Terri for introducing me to such fine teas, I enjoy them a lot

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

It sounds outstanding.

Robert Godden

I’m pleased you have experienced that way of sugaring your tea. I must admit I had a slight obsession about that for a while, hence this tea. I also made a samovar out of an old kettle and an urn and this tea works really well using it. Glad you are enjoying all of our teas. (PS when we deleted Two Tigers, this one was on the chopping block as well, but a campaign by some tea bloggers and also some people on this site convinced us to keep it.)

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15596 tasting notes

mmmm i figured that i’d better start my morning off with a few cups of bold/stronger tea. I’ve got to go wedding dress shopping today and i need something to get me through it. I hate this sort of thing, though i’m sure i’l have fun with my friend and her 6 month old lol those bridal ppl have no idea what they’re in for! thanks again to terri for sharing this one with me. I think i’d be likely to pick this one up again in the future. I still love lord petersham, but this is a pretty tasty one as well


Hope wedding dress shopping is more fun than you expect it to be. I’m sure it will be and if not, at least you got to spend time with a friend so that is always nice.


The name of this tea is intoxicating.
Have lots of fun dress shopping.


we had a really nice time together. My friend is a sweetheart and it meant the day with her little one (7 months old)

Terri HarpLady

I like this one! It has a ‘shiny’ quality to the taste, like obsidian.


i haven’t tried obsidian yet..but i have some in house now!

Robert Godden

“Shiny like obsidian”. You don’t hear that every day.

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788 tasting notes

Just a warning to those who love this tea:
@The_Devotea_USA / @The_Devotea teas are on the firing line



oh no, I should have tried it when I had the chance!


Wow, sounds like a lay off lol.


it sort of is a layoff, taking the under performers to streamline and maybe make room for new hits. There is an attempt right now to #SaveThePrincess and Robert and I still have some in stock and could save one or two if they are near and dear to anyone.

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