Tetley Tea Bag

Tea type
Black Tea
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Tannin, Vinegar, Bitter, Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Joker
Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 7 oz / 210 ml

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62 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Hello Steepsterites! We were in the UK this weekend to attend a family wedding. To make a lot of things a lot easier we had booked local accomodations for the night. It was… Well, it was a bed,...” Read full tasting note
  • “Backlogging from Vacation #1: I spent a week at my fiance’s father’s house with him. It was a nice vacation. I really like his father in some ways and not so much in others. I think it is like that...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is my ‘normal’ tea for home at the moment. I’m often not the person who is drinking it though, because I often make it for my housemate while I make myself something more interesting. He...” Read full tasting note
  • “Standard, basic black tea. I take six teabags with some agave at one time and make iced tea overnight. Comes out pretty good. Can be found easily at local supermarket. 12/24/13 – I finished the...” Read full tasting note

From Tetley

2000 perforations let the flavor flood out.

The tea in Canada and the UK is not the same as the tea offered in the USA. The Canadian consumer has a different tea palate than the US consumer, and our tea reflects the choice of the Americans. Our British Blend tea is the closest blend to what is enjoyed in Canada and the UK. It comes in a round, stringless tea bag with a special paper that allows for fuller infusion, but it is not an identical blend to the Canadian/UK blends.

Our Classic Blends, British Blends, Green Blends and Iced Tea Blends, regular and decaf, have been manufactured in Georgia for over 50 years. The canisters and drawstring teas are manufactured in the UK by our parent company, The Tetley Group.

None of our Black tea blends contain any tea from China. These teas are sourced from many different countries, including Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, India, Vietnam, Argentina, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. Our Green and White tea blends contain tea sourced from China, and we have an extensive testing and tasting regime to ensure they meet our very high quality and safety standards.

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62 Tasting Notes

6 tasting notes

You can never say “no” to a good Tetley tea!

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3 tasting notes

Hmm really rather disappointing for me. Certainly a popular tea here in the UK, but me thinks they are somewhat relying on good marketing etc because, for me at least, the tea leaves quite a lot to be desired. Not enough Assam in there for my liking. Think im going to stick with my Kenya and Assam blend in Punjana. Yet to be beaten!

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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57 tasting notes

Black in a hot pot. Smells kind of like a sweet garden; I don’t know, it’s 2 in the morning. Accidentally got locked out of my room and when I got back in it was still warm but nasty-tasting. Oh well.

Boiling 8 min or more

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32 tasting notes

Average. Not offensive – not memorable. Mildly astringent without much else going on. Workplace tea – Tetley’s is to tea, what the Blue Riband biscuit is to confectionary – a very minor pleasure.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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50 tasting notes

Here’s the thing you have to understand about Tetley: you are not buying this tea to get a gourmet experience. But, like PG Tips, Barry’s, or Red Rose, builder’s teas hold a special place in my heart. They are my comfort tea in the mornings, and a lovely staple basic in my tea’s closet. At the moment, Tetley’s Premium Blend is my go-to cuppa, and I drink it with half & half and sugar — I can’t imagine drinking it without, and imagine it’d otherwise be much too acidic for my tastes. What’s your morning cup?

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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67 tasting notes

Normal everyday tea with a dash of milk and teaspoon of honey.

Boiling 1 min, 30 sec

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149 tasting notes

A decent, cheap black tea. I normally don’t drink this one on its own, but add it to the cup when re-steeping a flavored tea. Tastes great combined with strong fruit teas.

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64 tasting notes

Uhm, what can you really say about the steadfast standard brew that greets you every morning before you don your armour for the battle that is the coming day.

The drink that we stop at the wee service station in the bitter cold because R. needs a ‘hug in a cup’.

That charming mug that lets you sit down, have a moment, a breath before regrouping.

I am from a land of sunshine and coffee. We worship at the altar of Starbucks and have more flavors of coffee in our grocery stores then Britians have even dreamt existed (and don’t get me started on the amazing creamer flavors — like we could replace all food and drink with creamers in their flavor).

Despite all that I moved abroad, met a Yorkshire man who taught me how to make a proper cup. I am a changed tea-fairy, and all but the coffee flavored candies have seen my back turned to them. I am sorry coffee, where you are a sweet bitchslap to the face every morning, tea is that ‘hug in a cup’ …and we all know which I’d choose. ;)

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69 tasting notes

We went to the Perkins at the location of our honeymoon and got a tea basket. Went to the one back home, and all they had was Tetley black, though it wasn’t in the round bag described above, but a regular tea bag. Tasted decent with a packet of Splenda, but I don’t care for unflavored black. Maybe I’d like a full leaf one?

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1403 tasting notes

Daily, I cart three to four steeped travel tea mugs full of tea wherever I go. Yesterday, I had a full day meditation thing and as usual, I brought my tea.

When we have tea breaks, my meditation place sets out three or four big teapots of various bagged teas for the meditators.

Usually, the pot of black tea is Red Rose, but yesterday, it was Tetley black which to me tastes pretty much like Red Rose. I poured myself a cup and added a hefty glug of milk.

Despite being a tea snob, at meditation days, this and Red Rose taste like ambrosia. I carted my travel containers home, full as they were when I arrived.

I’ll just go with that.

tea-sipper three to four mugs at the same TIME?! Whoa. haha
Evol Ving Ness

Usually when I leave the house, I am gone for several hours or all day, so three or four mugs are much needed. It seems crazy to me to purchase cups of mediocre tea out in the world when I have mountains of the good stuff at home.


OH that makes sense then. :D

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