One of the first loose leaf teas I bought was a jasmine black. It was…hard to drink. I felt like I was having a cup of hot bubble bath. Then about four or five years ago, Teavivre sent me some samples of their jasmine teas and I shuddered, afraid to try them…but when I tried them I fell in love.
Jasmine is like an antidote for stress for me. A nice, hot cup and a few moments alone rejuvenate me and wash away tension.
I was curious and excited to see what the new Golden Buds Jasmine would be like. It is nothing like that black jasmine of long ago! This is soft, smooth, and sweet. The leaves themselves are long, oh so soft buds that are a golden tan color. The steeped tea is a soft, medium orange/tan.
The tea has a light creamy body. There is not a trace of briskness or astringency, no cocoa or smoke. This is so smooth. The jasmine is ample but not overpowering.
My husband prefers not to drink black tea since he always wants milk and sugar with it, so he sticks with oolongs, greens, whites, and puerh most of the time. Tonight I just told him we were having jasmine tea, and he drank four cups. He went outside to do a bit of work and then came back for more. I still haven’t told him it was black tea, and he is loving it without additions. That’s how smooth it is.
We have made two steeps Western style and I am going to try for a third.