Body + Mind White Tea

Tea type
Green Oolong White Blend
Jasmine Green Tea, Oolong Tea, White Tea
Grass, Jasmine, Sweet, Vegetal, Freshly Cut Grass, Hay, Floral, Fruity, Tannin, Tea, Toasted, Toasty, Perfume
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Not available
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 45 sec 55 oz / 1635 ml

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35 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I pretty much have to drink this at least once a week. I actually crave it. Reluctantly, I admit it’s become one of my favorite teas — it would be in my top five, no question. That’s how well the...” Read full tasting note
  • “Bought this a few weeks ago and had it once, but it was not enough to write a proper review or give it a rating. I do remember it smelling and tasting very predominantly oolong. So hanging out at...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m not usually into jasmine teas, but this was a tasty cup. The taste was mellow and everything blended well together. It soothed the savage beast of waiting in line at the doctor’s office.” Read full tasting note
  • “I was all about the white tea a few years ago, but more recently I’ve been getting into green and oolong, and my old white tea friends got somewhat left behind. I’ve been getting back into the...” Read full tasting note

From Teavana

A romance of the senses indulged with a soft bouquet of jasmine and orchid scents released from these three amazing teas. Nothing short of an aromatic masterpiece, this triple tea blends the Buddhist lengendary Monkey Picked Oolong, with Jasmine Pearls green tea, and white Silver Needle tea creating a perfect floral aroma and taste of jasmine and orchid. Uplifting to the body, soothing to the mind and soul with sweet notes that intertwine andRead more

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35 Tasting Notes

102 tasting notes

I pretty much have to drink this at least once a week. I actually crave it. Reluctantly, I admit it’s become one of my favorite teas — it would be in my top five, no question. That’s how well the flavors blend together. It is my “no-brainer,” easy, good-tasting tea. Wonderful iced, but just as good hot, and also tasty even if it’s been sitting around at room temperature for a while. I can rebrew the leaves at least three times, so I feel like I almost get my money’s worth.

(see previous tasting note for my full review)

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243 tasting notes

Bought this a few weeks ago and had it once, but it was not enough to write a proper review or give it a rating. I do remember it smelling and tasting very predominantly oolong. So hanging out at home and with the weather today I decided it would be a good time to brew some more of this up.

The leaves are an even blend of white, green and oolong leaves. The smell is the sweet oolong, with a hint of vegetal green, you cannot recognize the white by smell. The aroma of the brewed tea mimics this, mostly oolong with a hint of green. The white tea appears mostly in the liquor, the liquor is very pale green.

The first infusion, three minutes, hot no additives. The flavor is predominantly oolong. It definitely starts with the sweet oolong flavor, then comes the gentle white flavor, very neutral and clean, a hint of vegetal from the green, finished off by more of the oolong sweetness.

The second infusion of the leaves (hot, 2 minutes, no additives) all of the flavors were muted, not gone, but reduced by about 50%. I find this pretty disappointing because for one I usually use a lot of tea in my white and green infusions, so it seems wasteful, furthermore it tells me it would make a disappointing iced tea.

The bottom line with this tea is that it is good, very good, but the accent is heavily on the oolong. Personally, I like oolong tea, I do not mind that Body + Mind is heavily oolong, I would just classify this as an oolong and not a white tea, but Teavana has funny ways of classifying it’s tea. Overall, this was enjoyable and I will thoroughly enjoy the rest of my bag.

3 min, 0 sec

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148 tasting notes

I’m not usually into jasmine teas, but this was a tasty cup. The taste was mellow and everything blended well together. It soothed the savage beast of waiting in line at the doctor’s office.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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265 tasting notes

I was all about the white tea a few years ago, but more recently I’ve been getting into green and oolong, and my old white tea friends got somewhat left behind. I’ve been getting back into the white tea groove this week and that’s been cool.

Although this is called a white tea it’s really a white/green/oolong blend and the white tea is actually the lesser part of it. The jasmine gives it a beautiful, not-too-overdone floral aroma and the oolong dominates the flavour. If you like the greener oolongs, you should like the flavour of this tea. Overall the taste is very… clean, so it’s no real surprise that this is a detoxifying tea. It’s also just a really good cup of tea. I liked this combination a lot.

Angrboda 15 years ago

I had a black and white blend once, I got it from a swap. I remember being somewhat sceptical about it at first because I thought, surely the black would overpower the white, but it turned out to be quite nice. Can’t remember where it was from though.

Luthien 15 years ago

I’ve had green and black blends but I don’t think I’ve ever had a white/black blend before. Sounds like I should try it! Thanks for the suggestion.

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82 tasting notes

I’m surprised I haven’t tealogged this one. I save this for a day I really need something just to cleanse my body. Recently I just go to oolongs, but this tea is always a nice alternative.

After a really hot, sticky, humid day and eating lots of vegetarian food, including my experimentation with asian dishes… i just needed some tea.

Little on the grassy side this time, but the jasmine flavor really comes through. —Woah, just completely took a sip and choked on it…. that’s annoying. ANYWAY, I’ve definitely had this tea better before, maybe steeping it with rock sugar would have been a better choice but I didn’t really want anything sweet.

My biggest gripe with this tea is that since it mixes whites, oolong, and green it’s hard to figure out what to steep it at. Sure, Teavana treats it as a white tea, but it’s a really hard tea to steep because it can get bitter so fast. Also, the jasmine flavor really kills any of the white or oolong flavor. Still, I enjoy this tea.

170 °F / 76 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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174 tasting notes

Another one I had received in a gift set, but I had enjoyed it so much that I keep buying it. It probably helps that jasmine pearls is my favorite tea, At first sniff (dry) it is predominantly oolong and jasmine, I can’t say I can smell the white tea in it at all, same with after having brewed it. Although when drinking it I can get a hint of the white tea, not much. The oolong and jasmine dominate this one in every aspect, but they blend well together. I usually get 3-4 steepings out of this one and it is a staple in my cupboard.

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 0 sec
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Anthony Bazic 13 years ago

Its quite an investment to buy white tea, but a investment worthy of each sip if you ask me:) I especially love the silver needles and pearls that have a peculiar delicate combination of flavors that no one can’t get out of some teas besides Pu=Erh , and what more it can take in more infusions and even drink it at night! I like personally like how how white tea can still be enjoyable in late hours and not pay for it afterwords. Just perfect!

Invader Zim 13 years ago

Typically when i drink white tea (almost always Silver Needles) I drink it by itself or mixed with Jasmine Phoenix Pearls or some peppermint. I find that anything stronger, like oolong, will over power it and like you said it is quite an investment, one I’d rather not waste mixed with a stronger tea. But for whatever reason, perhaps it’s the ratio used in the Mind + Body, I just love the way they all taste together, and the hint of the white tea makes you slow down and really enjoy it.

Anthony Bazic 13 years ago

You said it! Kudos to the tea growers, an art well appreciable and time honored that really gives care and love in to every leaves they grow! Every cent worth not a drop a dime to disappoint.

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29 tasting notes

This one is INTERESTING…in a very stellar way.

Has a soft, gentle taste (sound like a romance novel) but there is a definate fruity scent and a little hint of maybe pear or something along that line.

It’s actually a mix of green and white…really invigorating. Had it before and during a meeting in the afternoon and it had me zinging.

Plus, the leaves expand tremendously during steeping…got 2 good 16 oz glasses out of 3 teaspoons.

B HILL 15 years ago

Going to have to borrow a cup ’o dis…God knows I need to detoxify.

Will P 15 years ago

prepare to be cleansed…lots o trips

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9 tasting notes

i am a huge fan of white and green and oolong teas so i was sure that i would love this tea. i was on the hunt for something to have before bed because i usually have trouble getting to sleep and i found this tea to do the trick. Its very relaxing and has just the right amount of Jasmine in it it. Despite its smell its not overpoweringly perfume-y as you would think it to be by smelling it. its pretty mellow with a nice flowery-herbal finnish. my only complain is that it is classified as a white tea when its got mostly oolong in it and it tastes a little to vegetal when steeped just the slightest over time. its not to the point where it could be mistaken for a green tea but still to green tasting for something classified as a white. Over all a nice, low-maintenence tea with good herbal and floral note that accent the teas natural flavours pretty well. ONe of my favourites

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15 tasting notes

Thanks again to lizeepea for sending me this sample in the giveaway! :)

I don’t think I can add much else that hasn’t been said already, so I will keep this short and sweet.

This reminds me of a field of wildflowers. I really can’t think of any other way to describe it. It’s aroma, taste, feel…wildflowers. But I love it! Also, after drinking 16oz of this stuff, I feel great. White and green teas always make me feel cleansed, in a way, especially this one. I could almost see myself using this as a “repairing” tea once a week, or something (as someone mentioned before).

It’s floral and jasmine-y and very pleasant. I’d recommend it to anyone to at least try. :)

3 min, 0 sec

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54 tasting notes

I am not a jasmine fan but I love this tea! The soft jasmine blended with the oolong and the smooth white tea makes for a delicious, soothing cup. Good for anytime of the day, although I am partial to this in the mornings when I need to wake up gently.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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