Feng Shui Wellness

Tea type
Herbal Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Itachi
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Boiling 6 min, 15 sec

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10 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Sipdown! Thanks to Raritea for a sample of this tea. It’s not something I would have picked myself, but it smelled good and I saw no objectionable ingredients in the blend, so figured it was worth...” Read full tasting note
  • “So I ordered about 23 or so samples from Tealux. They had a sale! I like samples..I can’t help it! I have so many samples, it would take me forever to get through any ounces of tea, so I choose...” Read full tasting note
  • “1.5 tablespoons for 375 ml Initially reminds me a lot of Goji Pop or Indian Summer by David’s Tea. There is a baked lemon scone note. All flavours blend together, nothing sticks out. I feel that...” Read full tasting note
  • “So I haven’t yet had a good experience with either a fruit-based or an herbal tea, which made me really nervous about trying this one. Turns out, there was no need to fear! This is an absolutely...” Read full tasting note

From Tealux

Feng Shui Wellness Blend has the goal to create harmony between human beings and their surroundings. In order to create this, the perfect balance between oneself and the five elements wood, fire, earth, metal and water has to be achieved. According to Feng Shui, the elements are represented by the colors green, red, yellow, silver and blue as well as the forms twined, pointy, flat, round and curly which all represent an ingredient in our herb tea blend. Add the fifth element WATER yourself!

Ingredients: apple pieces, goji berries, dragonfruit, lemon grass, blackberry and nettle leaves, orange peel, eucalyptus leaves, carrot flakes, natural flavoring, cornflower and marigold blossoms.

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10 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

Sipdown! Thanks to Raritea for a sample of this tea. It’s not something I would have picked myself, but it smelled good and I saw no objectionable ingredients in the blend, so figured it was worth a shot.

The aroma is tangy and quite tasty-smelling… I can’t quite place what I’m picking up, but it’s almost a little bit fruity, maybe a bit minty or something? I kind of like it though. And the flavour is actually just about as good as the aroma! Fruity but with a fair bit of complexity and additional flavours. It’s like an explosion of deliciousness in my mouth! (I just wanted to say that, heh). Anyways, I feel like I’m picking up mango/peach flavours, along with a savoury note that I can’t place. And then an intermingling of other flavours that present themselves randomly during the sip. Yeah… I kind of like this blend! I pretty much never like wellness blends, because they always contain obscene amounts of fennel, licorice, or some sort of mint… but this doesn’t have any (or if they’re here, they’re in very low amounts).

I’m not sure I’d drink this blend super often, but I’m pretty impressed! Thanks again Raritea!

ETA: A re-steep is still pretty good. I’m not sure what it is, but I’m liking the combo of ingredients in here.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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4348 tasting notes

So I ordered about 23 or so samples from Tealux. They had a sale! I like samples..I can’t help it! I have so many samples, it would take me forever to get through any ounces of tea, so I choose samples. Sadly, they didn’t have any of the Russian Maple Souchong… which is the reason I ordered from them in the first place. This will be the first of many I will be writing tasting notes for.

I thought this would be a fitting tea to drink last night: New Year’s Eve! It seems like it’d be a healthy tea to start the year with right. I love the rainbow of colors in the blend and the idea that all the elements are here— earth, fire, wood, metal, water. Well, I hope there isn’t any metal in here though. The steep color is a bright reddish orange. The flavor is great for a herbal tea.. but I think the lemon grass and the blackberry leaves are making it a little more medicinal than I’d like. I really can’t stand blackberry leaves in a tea.


I’ve always shied away from samples on the basis of “if I love it and only have a little then I’ll be sad.” Starting to re-think that as I want new tea (despite not needing it)!


I love samples. That way, if I don’t like it, I’m not stuck with large amounts, but if I do, I can order a large amount.


I find samples are essential! I can’t afford to try all the new teas otherwise, and I can justify it because I’m so new to tea. Better to try ALL THE TEAS and see what’s great, then pick those up at the next sale. I already ordered a few from Zen Tea based just on the freebies they gave us.


The way I see it: If I have over 200 kinds of tea samples, I won’t even be drinking the majority of teas twice a year, so if I have samples with only a few teaspoons instead of ounces, the tea won’t be bad before I drink it.

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836 tasting notes

1.5 tablespoons for 375 ml

Initially reminds me a lot of Goji Pop or Indian Summer by David’s Tea. There is a baked lemon scone note. All flavours blend together, nothing sticks out. I feel that there are too many different tastes for one tea, there is a lack of focus in the overall flavour.

I may want to infuse this tisane for a longer amount of time in the future.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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30 tasting notes

So I haven’t yet had a good experience with either a fruit-based or an herbal tea, which made me really nervous about trying this one. Turns out, there was no need to fear!

This is an absolutely delicious blend. It’s sweet and appley, very smooth with a burst of flavor on the finish. I’m definitely going to eat all of the apple chunks out of the strainer when I’m done.


It’s one of our favorite blend! Thanks for feedback.

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15620 tasting notes

same from Evol ving ness. This one doesn’t work for me.. somehow the ingredients don’t come together in any sort of harmony for me…and there’s an under lying sweetness that i can’t quite place. Not a bad tea, but nothing i need to have again. Though i’m always up for trying new things :)

Evol Ving Ness

Yeah, haven’t tried this one yet. :)

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921 tasting notes

Well after waiting for an eternity last night, my new game finally finished installing and I got to play with dinosaurs in ARK: Survival Evolved. Really though a lot of the game involved me dying in various embarrassing ways, since this game is hard survival and has a bit of a learning curve. Also there are dinosaurs, some of them are real jerks…especial packs of Compys and Dilophosaurus, and the occasional jerk Utahraptor that ‘clever girl’ed me. I am pleased that I managed to never starve to death or die from falling, though as in life my sense of direction is abysmal and I do get lost a lot. One time I got so lost trying to find my way back to my little base camp that I just gave up and wandered to a Spinosaurus to be eaten and re-spawned. Fun times!

Time once again to delve into my never ending backlog of tea notes with Tealyra’s Feng Shui Wellness, an herbal blend of Apple Pieces, Goji Berries, Dragonfruit, Nettle Leaves, Blackberry Leaves, Lemongrass, Orange Peel, Eucalyptus Leaves, Carrot Flakes, Natural Flavoring, Cornflower, and Marigold Flowers. Of all the various blends on Tealyra, I picked this one out because it had eucalyptus, I was having lung problems at the time and that stuff works wonders for me, but I wanted something sweet too, so this looked promising. The aroma of the unsteeped blend mixes cooling and sharp notes of eucalyptus with lemon, pepper, sweet apple, tropical dragonfruit, and the oh so wonderfully honey sweet note of goji berries. It is really quite sweet smelling while also being refreshing.

Giving this tea a steeping, the aroma is now very strong in the eucalyptus and lemon, along with strong herbaceous notes from the nettle, it smells green and fresh. Underneath the herbaceous notes are sweet tropical fruit and honey. The liquid smells a bit tart, it smells like there is hibiscus in here, but there was none in the ingredients…bit they also did not list the red peppercorn so I dunno. The pink coloring and tart notes make me raise an eyebrow, but there is also a good amount of tropical fruit and cooling eucalyptus with a strong citrus note.

The first thing I notice is the mild cooling effect from the eucalyptus, talk about a breath of fresh air, literally, it really does make my lungs happy. This tea is actually really tasty, strong notes of citrus and herbaceous green notes dance with goji berries and sweet yet tart dragon fruit and apple. There is definitely hibiscus in this blend, I taste it with its tart metallic tone, but it is mild so I don’t mind too much. I found this tea was also pretty good cold steeped, and is just best when it is slightly cool rather than hot.

For blog and photos: http://ramblingbutterflythoughts.blogspot.com/2016/01/tealyra-feng-shui-wellness-tbt-tea.html


I had to go look up the game. OMG, it looks SO FUN! Now I’m sad I don’t have anything that will actually run games.

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