Kiyoto Lemon Flavoured Green

Tea type
Green Tea
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185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 45 sec

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From TeaFrog

A lemony treat for your tastebuds, this flavored green tea tingles your tongue with Chinese Sencha tea combined with lemon and mint herbs and flavoring. Great as an afternoon pick-me up, or as an accompanyment to a sweet desert.

Ingredients: China Sencha, Sweet-wood, Lemongrass, Peppermint, Lemon Peel

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TeaFrog ships high quality tea to anywhere in North America. Founded in 2006 by Mike and Melanie, TeaFrog endeavors make quality tea accessible to more people, as well as educating the community about the benefits and the myths of tea.

12 Tasting Notes

3011 tasting notes

Day was a little gray and grim; this provided a little internal perk-up after a long, cold run to nursing home to check on my poor little mom.
The peppermint in this one is at whisper-level; just enough to add a little bit of zing. Inexpensive and recommended if you like lemon teas that aren’t caustically tart.

Last visit, my mom’s meal-table buddy from a couple of rooms down noticed the crossword puzzle book I had brought to fidget with—I have the bedside patience of a 3-year-old. I took her two today that were just getting rumpled in the magazine rack and asked her to do me the honor of finishing them for me. Was a smiley moment to walk past her room and see her hard at them. Just a thought…do a kindness for an elder that isn’t your own. It’ll make your day.

Sil 11 years ago


tigress_al 11 years ago

That was so nice of you! I bet it made their day as well

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6768 tasting notes

HOLY LEMON!!!!!!!!!

No, really…HOLY LEMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But you know what!? I Liiiiiike it!!!

With the LEMON and a bit of mint it seems to make it non-puckery and a nice full bold LEMON flavor!

If you like LEMON try it. If you don’t or aren’t sure…stay clear…because it sure is LEMON-EEEEEE!

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__Morgana__ 15 years ago

Cool. I just had a lemon disappointment last night. Haven’t written about it yet because I am trying to think of ways to improve the experience first, but I’m still on the lookout for a perfect lemon. How much does the green tea affect the flavor? Can you taste the tea or just the lemon?

TeaEqualsBliss 15 years ago

You can taste the green tea as a secondary and it’s a sweeter green and not so much a bitter after-tasty type green – if you know what I mean! If you want I could send you a sample…PM me if interested…

__Morgana__ 15 years ago

Very kind of you to offer, but I am resisting accepting swaps as I would then feel obligated to swap back, and I am lucky if I get to the post office once a year to mail my taxes what with the job, the kids, the thousands of errands that seem to expand exponentially as the kids get older, etc. But I do appreciate it. :-)

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328 tasting notes

I liked this blend much more than other Steepsterites! I had it iced which maybe diluted the strong lemon flavor. But, I love the subtle interplay between the lemon and peppermint. Both of those flavors can be overwhelming but , they seem to cancel each other out in this tea so that I end up w/a mild lemon flavor and the bitter notes of the lemongrass is masked by the peppermint.

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4843 tasting notes

I hope all this caffeine doesn’t keep me up all night. Usually caffeine doesn’t affect me in that way, but, I don’t usually like to chance it and I do usually switch to some sort of tisane by this time of night. But, I received this sample today from TeaFrog and I really wanted to try it!

Yum! Lemon! The tartness of the lemon lingers on the palate, but it isn’t a sour lemon-y taste – tart but not sour

I like it!

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 45 sec

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431 tasting notes

Ya know I have found myself in an interesting position today. For some reason I not only tried teas today that I am normally fond of but a couple actually surprised me. Take this tea. This is a very lemony tea but the peppermint makes it a bit spicy in a weird way but not actually bad. The peppermint sneaks up on the back end not taking away from the lemon flavor but rather gives it a little bite. I think I would like to try this cold. So lesson learned today don’t judge an entire teas group on a few bad experiences, keep trying them and you never know what you might find.

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 45 sec

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41 tasting notes

Today I am in the right mood to like this tea, but usually I am not.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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661 tasting notes

Oh this tea is delish! It kinda reminds me of a lemon flavoured green a local tea maker made and I had a few years ago ( and one I really missed having in my cabinet). I don’t think the lemon is too strong at all. It’s got a sweet lemony grassy flavour with just a tiny little bit of mint coming through. I would definitely order more of this tea.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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