I really need to go to bed early tonight… I actually fell asleep in yoga tonight :\ So I pulled out a couple herbal teabags and re-steeped my Creme Brulee from last night. Funnily enough, I pulled out two teabags of similar blends from different companies, so I get to do a bit of a comparison.
This one is courtesy of LiberTEAS – thank you!
Steeped, it smells quite delicious and berry-like! I’m pleasantly surprised! Since I left the teabag in for eons, the hibiscus is definitely present, but I like it. The berry flavour is quite apparent and the hibiscus is providing tartness but at a completely acceptable level. The strangest thing is the sweetness I’m getting, which makes me think licorice as it’s late-sip, but I don’t think it is. Maybe there’s stevia or something in here, though? The aftertaste kind of makes it taste like a fakey candy, whereas initially it’s an authentic berry flavour.
Really quite a good bagged tisane with pretty good use of hibiscus. Were it not for the strange sweetness, I’d probably look into picking some of this up to ice it.
Looks like we were both zonked! did you sleep during Savasannah?
Yes, yes I did. I was lying there, thinking that I was clearing my mind pretty well, and the next thing I knew, I regained consciousness and everyone was sitting up. Granted, eyes still closed, but still. I must have been out for at least a minute – completely missed the instruction to roll onto my side, etc. Embarrassing…