Milk Chocolate

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Black White Blend
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205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 45 sec

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12 Tasting Notes View all

  • “meh. I think i like the other chocolate teas from janet more than this one by a pretty big margin. it’s not a tea i’d toss down the drain, but if i never drank this one again i’d be ok with that....” Read full tasting note
  • “So, I’m not sure whether this is the same tea as “Milk Chocolate Caramel”, or if that one was discontinued and this one made available in its place… can anyone clear that up for me? The Steepster...” Read full tasting note
  • “Hmmmm….I’m not really sure how I feel about this one. I’m not used to finding Fenugreek in a tea, & admittedly, I’ve never been a real fan of it. I guess it’s interesting enough to finish the...” Read full tasting note
  • “Another amazing blend from TastyBrew! Thank you! None of them have been duds for me so far. I love all of them! This one just seemed extra special. First, it’s a blend of black tea and...” Read full tasting note

From sTEAp Shoppe

This is a full bodied and rich tea with creamy tones to highlight the cocoa flavors. The floral Assam tea combined with the Hojicha’s cocoa notes and White Peony’s soft smooth tones create a warm inviting tea. Fenugreek adds a milk note with a touch of tannin giving it a full mouth feel. The Vanilla aroma is soothing highlighting the cocoa nibs and nubs bringing forward the cocoa notes.

Milk Chocolate Tea Ingredients:
black tea, organic hojicha, organic white peony, organic raw cocoa nibs, organic cocoa nubs (organic cocoa powder, organic all natural maple syrup), fenugreek seed, vanilla bean

Naturally Caffeinated

About sTEAp Shoppe View company

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12 Tasting Notes

15588 tasting notes

meh. I think i like the other chocolate teas from janet more than this one by a pretty big margin. it’s not a tea i’d toss down the drain, but if i never drank this one again i’d be ok with that. It’s just pretty meh..especially when compared to other chocolate teas i’ve had…hell even to janet’s other teas!


What’s your fave chocolate tea?


at this moment it’s probably mousse au chocolate from MF…but there have been a few…my memory sucks atm but if i think of them i’ll hollar. haha

Terri HarpLady

So far mine is The Chocolate “O”, which I am currently out of.


I second that one Stephanie….if you’re on the lookout… I knew I was having a brain fart….actually the boulder one from the tea spot is also tasty with chocolate notes….it’s just not a chocolate tea I don’t think…


Yeah, my ultimate chocolate tea is the Tea Spot’s Chocolate “O”


woot, thanks folks :D

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6119 tasting notes

So, I’m not sure whether this is the same tea as “Milk Chocolate Caramel”, or if that one was discontinued and this one made available in its place… can anyone clear that up for me? The Steepster entries are confusing.

This is also a pretty tasty, and unique, tea. However, it tastes less like milk chocolate to me, and more like molasses. I wonder if the fenugreek is contributing to the flavour and causing that association? Anyhow, a 2-min infusion results in a pretty tasty cup, although I don’t think this is one I’d pick up again. I was hoping for a bit more of a milk chocolate flavour, and if anything, this leans towards dark chocolate. I have sTEAp’s dark chocolate (and white chocolate!) teas as well, so perhaps should have brewed them up alongside for comparison purposes. Maybe when I get back from grocery shopping…

ETA: Second infusion, same parameters, still has that molasses-y taste to me. Probably won’t resteep again, as I think it has now lost most of its flavour.

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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3294 tasting notes

Hmmmm….I’m not really sure how I feel about this one. I’m not used to finding Fenugreek in a tea, & admittedly, I’ve never been a real fan of it. I guess it’s interesting enough to finish the cup, with a rich mouth, but it IS a sipdown, so I doubt I’ll ever drink it again.
Thanks for the sample, Sil.


haha like i said in my note…lots you may not like but they’re at least teas off of the list!

Terri HarpLady

Yup! I have no regrets!

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4337 tasting notes

Another amazing blend from TastyBrew! Thank you! None of them have been duds for me so far. I love all of them! This one just seemed extra special. First, it’s a blend of black tea and hojicha. I love that idea. I’m not sure why there aren’t more blends with black and hojicha, since both of them can be boiled. There is also white tea here, but it doesn’t look like much, so I’m not sure how that would contribute to the flavor. I did have a lovely Della Terra white chocolate tea made with white tea the other day though. This one is certainly a dessert tea with chocolate and maple! The chocolate makes itself known, but the maple is even more prominent and I happen to love maple. I can see where the name “milk chocolate” comes from. All of these flavors combine to create a creamy chocolate flavor. The second steep has just as much maple flavor. I think this blend should have had maple in the name – not just chocolate. I love this one – very decadent! I drank this with way too many Halloween treats… caramel corn and a half moon cookie. I didn’t have soda today though… just more tea! I’ll gladly use not drinking soda as an excuse to drink more tea. I will savor the few teaspoons that remain. I haven’t seen this company before, but they have some nice looking teas on their site. I must try blending my own black tea/hojicha blends!

I know I’ve been rating most teas so high lately (most in the 80s-90s), but that is because they have all been so nice lately!

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615 tasting notes

Hmmm, not sure I’m getting chocolate from this, but it’s not dirty tootsie roll either, so I’m happy. The fenugreek is definitely a potent note here (and the one I was least expecting), adding a very mildly bitter burnt sugar/molasses flavor. The hojicha comes through quite clearly as well, adding a roasty note that lingers. I think I’ll keep looking for the chocolate tea meant for me.

Thanks for the cup TastyBrew!

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 30 sec

I haven’t found too many chocolate flavored teas that are for me. I like teas with Chocolate/cocoa notes though. But chocolate in tea just never tastes quite right.


I agree! It’s why I have a huge tea boner for Dragon Pearls and similar things. But the incorrigible sweet tooth part of me really, really wants there to be a chocolate tea out there for me.

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557 tasting notes

This Tea is Awesome! Lance told me I could buy me some teas for Christmas and I wanted Chocolate and I had gotten some good chocolate tea samples from sTEApshoppe and they were really good so I decided to try all the “Chocolate” teas she had to offer, We got 2 different Chocolate sampler boxes and some others :) I even got a tea spice, I was really happy when I opened my mail.
This tea is Super good even Lance likes it, it is like Milk Chocolate with a little something extra, the flavors are very deep and delicious wonderful Milk Chocolate taste with hints of caramel and spice, this is a very good tea. If you like chocolate you can get all kinds of good chocolate teas at
Next up Orange Chocolate White Tea!

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818 tasting notes

Lucky me…my 100th tasting note and steepster isn’t updating. Meh!

So, this tea did not meet my expectations for a chocolate tea. It really tasted like carob to me. So disappointing. I haven’t had a lot of luck with chocolate teas lately. Maybe my taste buds are off?


To be honest, in my case, when the tea is TRYING to be chocolate, I never seem to enjoy it. =/ I find it always just tastes like muddy tootsie roll or something. Whereas teas with a chocolate like note I seem to really like.


I think I’m with you on that!


You should try the Tisano Cacao. It’s just staight cacao nib shells. You can drink it alone (hot chocolate) or add it to teas you want more chocolaty. I’ve been doing that a lot lately. Not tootsie rolly at all. I used to hate chocolate teas for that exact reason.


Congrats on 100! It’s hard to find a good chocolate tea.


Thanks for the tip, TastyBrew! I’ll look into that!

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892 tasting notes

Thanks TastyBrew!!! Ooh my goodness. Today has been a long day. But on the upside I got 2 free scones the size of my face. I ate one and thought this tea would go well with it. The aroma of this tea is so rich. Like melted milk chocolate. The flavor is rich and chocolatey. There is a hint of maple flavor. This is a wonderful chocolate tea :) I need mooorreeeeeee!


Scones the size of a face. That can’t possibly be bad. :)


And they were freeee :D

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