Lilac Bouquet

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Honey, Honeysuckle, Lilac, Bergamot, Earl Grey, Floral
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 12 oz / 361 ml

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From Simpson & Vail

Romance of the leaves! Springtime wouldn’t be complete without the intoxicating aroma of lilacs blooming! Towards the end of every winter I anxiously check my lilac bushes every day for the new growth that heralds the end of the snowy season. In bloom, their aroma has the ability to brighten my day and make all my dreams seem possible. I cut the blooms and place them in a vase in my car so I can carry their abundant fragrance with me on my travels.

We created this floral tea so that I can enjoy the amazing aroma of lilacs at any time of the year. This tea blend brews to a deep amber cup with a fragrant taste that leaves a delightful flowery aftertaste on the palate.

Ingredients: Black teas, erica flowers and lilac flavor.

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13 Tasting Notes

196 tasting notes

My goodness, this really smells like the real deal and it tastes really good. Wonderful cure for the wintertime blues. Very girly, girly, but not cloying or too sweet. Maybe a spice cookie to offset it.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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1968 tasting notes

I had been wanting to try Simpson & Vail for many years and just never got around to it. Since they released an advent this year, I decided it was time and placed an order for that, along with a gift and a few other teas.

This smells absolutely amazing. Like honey coated lilacs. It tastes lovely too. Really strong honey and lilac flavors. Really impressed with this, especially for the cost.

Flavors: Honey, Honeysuckle, Lilac

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111 tasting notes

This one is for all your floral black tea lovers out there, because this lilac is BOLD. It’s not a shy afterthought- it’s front and centre. Nice quality, unassuming black tea blend (which is on the astringent side) takes a backseat here. It’s just a vehicle to deliver a floral punch, both to your tastebuds and nose. To me, it’s very spring-like and delightful but I do love flowery tea.

I will say it is not at all “soapy” as some floral blends can be. I have never personally chomped a lilac bush but I’d imagine this comes close. I let my cup cool down and while it wasn’t bad, I’d say this is much better drunk hot. It is much smoother and harmonious that way.

Flavors: Lilac

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

I am burning a lilac scented candle as I read this, mad at myself for now wanting this tea because every sipdown I make has been immediately replaced with another tea and I am making no progress at all. Ha ha! Adding to wishlist…


Somehow, I just saw your comment now from ages ago! If you’re in the US, let me know if you’d like some and I’ll be happy to send it your way.

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1324 tasting notes

Today was my birthday which was pretty uneventful but I babysat for a friend which was fun. This is a freebie that came with the teas I bought from Tea-Sipper’s Stash Sale. I’d been wanting to try this one and she was kind enough to send me some of it. It’s also my first time trying a tea from Simpson & Vail. This note is going to be brief as I am exhausted from babysitting all day.

I prepared this as the instructions said to and added the tiniest bit of honey and milk.

Taste wise I’m getting some soft floral notes that remind me of earl grey tea. Yet isn’t any bergamot in this or cornflower petals. My initial thoughts are that this is not what I expected it to taste like but if it were actually an earl grey tea. It would be an exceptional earl grey. The black tea base isn’t specified what type they use but it is really tasty and pairs nicely with the floral-ness. I don’t get lilac from this unfortunately but really am enjoying this. I definitely wouldn’t mind buying some more of this for my cupboard but would need to make a note to reach for it when I’m craving some EG.

Flavors: Bergamot, Earl Grey, Floral

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday!


This sounds like an interesting tea. Happy Birthday!


Happy b-day! Too bad this one didn’t live up to expectations…I would love to try a lilac scented tea someday.

Lexie Aleah

Thanks guys and I can’t complain since it still tasted really great.

Mastress Alita

I know this is late, but it’s been taking me a while to work through reading my back-log of tea reviews, so happy belated birthday! I hope to try lilac tea someday, one of the few florals I haven’t sampled yet. It is probably my favorite smelling flower, though!


Happy belated birthday! I hope you don’t give up on this one tasting like lilac. If you ever buy from Simpson & Vail, I’d suggest buying some super fresh.

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2037 tasting notes

Sipdown no. 19 of 2021 (no. 639 total).

I’m really torn about this one. On the one hand, the idea of lilac tea is very cool. I’m not sure I’ve had any others, or certainly not many.

On the other, this has what I think of as the Simpson Vail black flavored tea problem. Something about the base is quite heavy, and depending on the day it can sit like a rock in my stomach. I am feeling that today.

Also, there’s the general Simpson Vail flavored tea problem, namely that because the teas were shipped in paper bags, they comingled their smells so that they all sort of have the same base aroma.

That said, there’s a distinct aroma and flavor in this one that must be the lilac. My original note found it soapy/lotiony, and I don’t find it that way now — maybe the evaporation of oils over time helps with that. Who knows.

So on the one hand, I like that it is lilac and I don’t have a lot of lilac in my repertoire to judge against. So is this a good lilac? Well, it has its faults, but I don’t really have anything to compare it to.

On a sheer enjoyment scale, apart from whether it is a good representative of its kind, not sure it would be an 84.

I’m going to bump it down a bit, but keep it in the 80s because it’s the only representative lilac I think I currently have and it doesn’t fail on that score.


Oh, wow…I love lilacs. I did not know they were tea-worthy!


I know, right?


If anyone doesn’t know, S&V has changed their packaging to sent proof resealable pouches now.


That is certainly a step in the right direction!

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2 tasting notes

Standard black tea with tiny purple lilac buds, lightly floral and delicious. Would buy again.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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4346 tasting notes

Oh I love the tiny little buds in this tea! Such a nice touch… the flowers so tiny you can barely see them. Lilac season is almost here! There are a few lilac bushes in the yard — probably the best time of year for the yard while they are in bloom. Maybe because it’s towards the end of winter I can’t really say how much this tea resembles lilacs, but the tea is certainly floral enough while not being too much for me. Nothing can really beat fresh lilacs though. First steep session, one teaspoon didn’t seem enough for my tastes. With a teaspoon and a half, I get a depth of black tea that pairs perfectly with the floral – a nice brisk black tea. There aren’t too many floral teas in my collection (especially not unless they are jasmine), so I’m very happy I bought a bit of this one. Will be drinking it especially in Spring! The price was amazing too. I wish others would give S&V a chance. They have been around since the 1920s! Nothing but positive things to say about online ordering… though I do wish they would use different packaging for the teas.
Steep #1 // 1 1/2 teaspoons for a full mug// few minutes after boiling // 3 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 3-4 minute steep


I just had an S&V this morning. :-)


I just received a S&V order this morning. haha. :D

Christie Lee

Interesting! Would you say that the flavor is similar to the fragrance of lilac? :)


It’s hard to tell if it is exactly like lilac, but it is definitely floral and definitely much more like lilac than jasmine would be.

Christie Lee

It has spiked my curiosity! I have yet to try any lilac teas… or lilac inspired anything for that matter. Thanks for the quick reply! :)


Simpson and Vail is probably my favorite US independent tea store. They have good quality tea at reasonable prices.

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95 tasting notes

Nope, just not my cup of tea. Nothing I can do makes it taste like anything but perfumed powder or soap. It’s more like something I’d want to wear, not drink. Seems as far as florals go, lilac isn’t for me.

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