Yuzu Sencha

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Green Tea
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170 °F / 76 °C 1 min, 45 sec

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  • “My Samovar order came in today! The smell of the yuzu is definitely noticeable compared to the green tea. It makes me want to cry because it is so amazing. Once brewed, the grassy/vegetal smell is...” Read full tasting note
  • “SAMOVAR, have my babies. Please. This tea was a total shock. Seriously. Total shock. I can’t believe how much I’m loving this. Really, really loving this. Obsessed with the amazingness. I’m...” Read full tasting note
  • “I actually bought a yuzu in preparation for this tea. After all, how can I comment on a flavored tea if I don’t know what the flavor is supposed to taste like? I ate my yuzu early this morning so...” Read full tasting note
  • “I had plans for tomorrow. I was going to go to the beach for a few days and be ridiculously delirious about finals being over and FINALLY getting to hang out with my friends again, but alas, this...” Read full tasting note

From Samovar

Origin: Sencha and dried yuzu rind produced and blended in Japan.

Flavor Profile: Classic Japanese flavors of sencha and yuzu are enticingly fresh and clean. Smooth grassiness and sweet citrus notes dominate.

Tea Story: Yuzu Sencha is a blend of sencha (the most popular type of tea in Japan) and yuzu fruit (a similarly popular Japanese citrus fruit). The abundant dry aroma has notes of cracked white pepper, fresh-cut citrus fruit, dried cherriesRead more

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Samovar's is dedicated to preserving the simplicity and integrity of the tea traditions and inspiring people to practice peace through drinking tea.

8 Tasting Notes

35 tasting notes

My Samovar order came in today!

The smell of the yuzu is definitely noticeable compared to the green tea. It makes me want to cry because it is so amazing.

Once brewed, the grassy/vegetal smell is much more noticeable, with slight undertones of yuzu. I kind of wish it would keep the stronger yuzu smell once brewed, but this still smells amazing.

The first sip. This has a much grassier flavor than I originally thought it would have, which isn’t a problem at all since I love green teas. The sencha is vegetal, buttery, and creamy, with very subtle hints of yuzu in the aftertaste. With each sip, the progression of yuzu seems to get a bit stronger in the aftertaste. Next thing I know, I’m at the bottom of my mug. Damn, need to resteep.

2nd steep, for 30 seconds. I’d have to agree with teaplz, the second steep could possibly be even better than the first. The yuzu is much more noticeable when you taste this. I’d say the tastes of the sencha and yuzu are almost equal now.

3rd steep, 30 more seconds. I’m tasting straight yuzu now. The tea has gotten quite light, but still tastes pretty amazing… Now that I’m tasting almost straight yuzu, it reminds me of drinking a very very light or watered down yuzu juice. I think that is pretty amazing.

With the progression of tastes in this tea, with each steep, you would almost think this is a different tea every time you tasted the new brew. Which that is just amazing.

Overall, I think it is a pretty freaking awesome tea. It is a nice, light, refreshing tea that cleanses the palette after almost each sip. But, there is a part of me that was a little let down. Not with this tea itself, but at my expectations of this tea. Let me explain.

When this tea first appeared on Samovar’s site, I got so excited. I was so happy that I found a yuzu green tea that I could get outside of Japan (then again, I never actively searched for some after I got back home). The first thing that came to mind was the amazing yuzu tea that I had while in Japan. I then went on a little stroll down memory lane. Britt and I were back in Harajuku, and we were walking down Omotesando. I wanted to get some tea at this interesting looking tea shop that was above Heiroku Sushi (which is an amazing kaitenzushi/conveyor belt sushi restaurant, I’d highly recommend going there). So we stopped in there, and I decided to go with the yuzu tea since I had been hooked on drinking hot yuzu juice from the conbini during my stay there. It tasted glorious, it was like they brewed the tea with straight yuzu juice, and it also had a few large chunks of the citrus-y fruit in there along with the tea. It was even better than the yuzu juice that I had been hooked on. So, we come back to reality, and I think to myself “Man, I gotta get this! It is yuzu tea, just like I had in Japan!” So, I am a little disappointed in myself and thinking this was going to taste exactly like the tea I had in Japan.

But this tea, definitely a winner in my book. I’d highly recommend it!

170 °F / 76 °C 1 min, 30 sec
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Cofftea 15 years ago

I placed mine today! This sounds so good!

Garrett 15 years ago

Did you end up ordering this? If so, you’ll love it, especially if you like green teas!

Cofftea 15 years ago

I LOVE green teas, but no I didn’t order this. I ordered their yixing pot and calendar to get the tencha.

Garrett 15 years ago

Well, if you’re ever interested in trying this and wanna do a tea swap, I’d be more than happy to trade ya.

Yeah, I saw that deal, but I had already made my order for the steepster select four seasons oolong.

teaplz 15 years ago

So good! Yay that you liked the second steep just as much, if not better than the first! I never got to the third steep, but I’ve definitely got to try it, from what you wrote!

Garrett 15 years ago

I actually got up to 5 steepings, and I could have kept going! But pretty much from the third steep on it tastes just like a watered down yuzu juice, which definitely isn’t a bad thing.

Cofftea 15 years ago

Garret… “but I had already…” Yeah so? LOL hehe;-)

takgoti 15 years ago

Congratulations! Welcome to the Samovar family!

…Is it just me, or did that just kinda sound like Samovar drinkers are part of the mafia?

Anyhow, this was a fantastic read. Love this tea!

Garrett 15 years ago

Cofftea: LOL, true.

takgoti: Thanks! I already had a handful of their stuff, but my collection is definitely growing. And I wouldn’t call it being part of the tea mafia… I’d say we are a legitimate group of people that like to pursue things in a particular way…. or… something along those lines….

Cofftea 15 years ago

Yes Garrett, we are definitely legit

~lauren. 15 years ago

OH NO! I think I ordered 6 teas from Samovar and this one wasn’t on it – and you make this tea sound delectable! UGH!

SoccerMom 15 years ago

great review! Do you really almost cry? OR “want to cry”?

Garrett 15 years ago

Lauren: Get some! haha
SoccerMom: want to, haha

~lauren. 15 years ago

No more tempting me! Please! I get enough of that from Select! But this does sound so good …!

takgoti 15 years ago

Oh, durr. There have been so many people losing their Samovar virginity lately that I see, “My Samovar order came in,” and my mind automatically goes, “Ahhh, yesssss. Welcome to the fold.”

You are no Samovar newbie, though! Regardless, great review! I’m going to need to add this to my tea agenda for tomorrow. I haven’t had it in a while.

teaplz 15 years ago


And yay for Samovar in general!

Garrett 15 years ago

Lauren: Temptation is gooooooooooooood

takgoti: You better add it! It’ll be soooo worth it.

teaplz: What did ya get?

~lauren. 15 years ago

Okay, okay – it’s on my Shopping List and when I make up my THIRD order of Samovar (thanks a lot, takgoti, I only heard of Samovar when you were first made ambassador!) I will be sure to add this because I love sencha and am curious about yuzu and “It makes me want to cry because it is so amazing” got to me, I admit it!

Garrett 15 years ago


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187 tasting notes

SAMOVAR, have my babies.


This tea was a total shock. Seriously. Total shock. I can’t believe how much I’m loving this. Really, really loving this. Obsessed with the amazingness.

I’m officially a Japanese green convert. I heart Japanese greens.

I could drink this tea all day. Seriously.

I just… oh man. This tea. Awesome. Incarnate.

Okay, okay, I need to calm down, that way I can write a coherent review. Phew.

I’m just so excited because I really thought this is going to be a throwaway. I mean, I’ve had yuzu before. One of the restaurants I went to a while ago had yuzu salt for their steamed edamame. I’ve had yuzu sorbet at another Japanese restaurant. Yuzu is a pretty bright and clean-tasting citrus fruit, and it’s pretty tasty. Sure, I’ve never had it as a stand-alone thing, but I’m pretty sure of the flavor.

Anyway, this tea is quite gorgeous. The sencha here varies from a very light green to darker green, it’s a bit powdery at parts, and it’s mixed in with a whole load of tried yuzu pieces. The smell of it is mainly that grassy sencha, mixed with a slight citrus note.

I actually put a teaspoon of this into my warmed pot, and the smell coming off it was awesome. Almost completely sencha, but really buttery and warm. Mmmmm.

So anyway, I steeped this up quickly, and I loved the clear, light-neon-green liquid that emerged. The smell I’m getting off of it is rich and creamy and grass and so very Japanese green. And the taste… man. Let’s rhapsodize on the taste, because this was an experience.

The main flavor here is definitely the sencha. It’s light, but full-bodied at the same time, and bursting with flavor. It’s very grassy, but so smooth and peppered with notes of butter and creamy goodness that it’s pretty awesome. The yuzu is a bright afternote of citrus that’s very clean and refreshing and invigorating. It’s clearly distinctly yuzu, as well. Not any other citrus.

The yuzu-citrus-sweet-tart builds as you take multiple sips in a row, mixed with a green sweetness that tastes like you just ate the most wonderful field filled with dew-dropped delicious edible grass.

It’s seriously delicious.

The second steep (:20 secs, 160 degrees) was just as good, if not better than the first. I’m serious. Because now the yuzu and the sencha have sort of swapped places on the flavor totem pole, and the yuzu is more strongly highlighted. It’s almost lime-y sweet, not bracing or biting, but calm and smooth. The sencha notes are sublime here as well. It doesn’t taste tired or weak.

It just tastes like pure awesome.

takgoti, how do I love thee. Let me count the ways. You’ve introduced me to one of the best tea companies ever, Samovar. You’ve sent me amazing samples of tea, such as this yuzu sencha, which wasn’t even on my radar because it sounds so… MUNDANE. But it’s totally not. It’s a flavor festival of epic proportions. It’s grass shot through with sunshine and golden happiness.

I am on such a tea high right now. I am so giddy right now over this stuff. LOVE. LOVE LOVE LOVE.

160 °F / 71 °C 1 min, 30 sec
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Cofftea 15 years ago

Awesome review. The mark of a truly amazing tea is when the tasting note isn’t cohearent.=D

tease 15 years ago

This. Is. Adorable. <3 I’ll have to take more time to just enjoy tea this way…

teaplz 15 years ago

Thanks guys!

tease, please do! It’s very nice to relax on a weekend and just sip the tea and really give in to all of its flavors and then be all like WOAH AMAZING all over the place. :D

~lauren. 15 years ago

oh man, what a tealog and my Samovar order (from Select) isn’t here yet….!

tease 15 years ago

I hear you. Time to dig out my oolong from Hong Kong…

~lauren. 15 years ago

MMMMM, sounds good (love oolongs) but I am ‘making’ do with a black tea (ho hum) no, not really (it’s okay), but nothing to write about …

teaplz 15 years ago

I still haven’t found the “perfect” oolong for me. Then again, I still have a lot in my house to try (include Samovar favorites like Four Seasons and Royal Garland). Rishi’s Purple Bamboo is pretty damned awesome, though.

~lauren. 15 years ago

All these great teas! And the fun in trying most of them! Nope, had a delivery today (H&S) but no Samovar … still…! But this is not as dire as it sounds, started a heavy cold (yesterday night?) nothing tastes good today and I want to savor the good stuff …!

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911 tasting notes

I actually bought a yuzu in preparation for this tea. After all, how can I comment on a flavored tea if I don’t know what the flavor is supposed to taste like? I ate my yuzu early this morning so thought today was a great time to try this one. I enjoyed the fruit so I hope to enjoy this tea. The tea doesn’t smell quite like fresh yuzu, but it is still noticeably yuzu. The brewed tea smells even less like yuzu – the initial smell is of fresh, vegetal sencha and there’s a little tingle of yuzu underneath.

The taste is intriguing. I didn’t get a noticeable yuzu flavor until I took a few sips one after the other. It seems like the yuzu taste builds but seems to come through the most in the aftertaste. But now I’m getting it some on the very tip of my tongue as I begin to sip. It’s a surprisingly good counterpoint to the sencha. I wouldn’t have thought the yuzu would go well with the sweet, buttery and vegetal taste of the sencha, but it does. It adds a subtle citrus sharpness that keeps the sencha from being too rich or thick.

I’m not quite sure how to rate this. I keep expecting this to taste rich and thick but each sip surprises me with a clean, refreshing citrus flavor. So I can’t quite figure out how high I want to rate this. Somewhere in between the two green smileys but not sure where… Though a big point it this teas favor is the aftertaste – sweet, citrus and buttery. Good stuff.

165 °F / 73 °C 1 min, 30 sec
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takgoti 15 years ago

I don’t know if I commented on this in my log, but I had the same initial experience as you – I didn’t get the yuzu until I’d had a few sips. I’ve never had yuzu straight, but I’ve had things that are “infused” with yuzu or maybe have bits of it, so that’s the only reason I’m familiar with it. Anyhow, I agree with you that’s an enjoyable overall tea experience.

Fred 15 years ago

Iv’e always wanted to try the Rishi Sencha Yuzu, http://www.rishi-tea.com/store/yuzucha-japanese-green-tea.html but I don’t want to spend 15 dollars my supermarket charges for the 2 oz can and not like the tea.

gmathis 15 years ago

OK, I’m showing my hick-ness: what is yuzu, please and thank you kindly?

takgoti 15 years ago

@gmathis Yuzu is a citrus fruit that is [or at least was] primarily used in Asian cuisine. It tastes distinctly citrusy, but also distinctly…different. I say this never having had it raw or even more generally, plain, so maybe Auggy or someone else can speak to that a little more eloquently. Here are some images: http://bit.ly/7KQhdh

Auggy 15 years ago

takgoti pretty much hit it… it’s like a wrinkly, sticky tangerine (I’m guessing there is more oil in the peel or something?) with HUGE seeds in the segments. The one I had wasn’t overly meaty (but then the segments were clementine sized and had 2 – 3 seeds the size of a pencil eraser so there wasn’t a lot of room for the fruit flesh either) but I’m not 100% sure if what I had was a great representation of the fruit as my grocery store only had a small section of them ($9.99/lbs!) but it tasted good so I figure it was an okay example at the very least. If it weren’t so freakin expensive I’d probably have yuzu again… but with one fruit costing about $4, I’m okay having tangerines.

Janni 15 years ago

@Auggy Yuzu’s just sliding out of season now for the U.S., as specialty growers tend to wind down in late December. What’s interesting about this fruit too is that the flavour changes over the course of each season, as does the external colour of the fruit. So you might taste one at the beginning of the season that’s totally ripe, but tastes differently than one eaten later in the season. Related, but different. It also depends on how cold it’s gotten wherever it is that your yuzu came from. They’re extremely cold-weather-hardy trees, so many people all over the US have attempted to grow them (cold-weather-hardy citrus is not that common). Unfortunately, there’s a compromise—-just because the trees will withstand the cold weather doesn’t mean they’ll necessarily produce the best examples of the fruit. Fruits from cold-ravaged trees are often more bitter than fruits from trees that haven’t been treated so harshly by Mother nature. FWIW, I hope this helps. :)

Auggy 15 years ago

Wow! That’s fascinating. And it pretty much guarantees that I’ll have to try yuzu again to see what differences I can taste. Thanks!

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260 tasting notes

I had plans for tomorrow. I was going to go to the beach for a few days and be ridiculously delirious about finals being over and FINALLY getting to hang out with my friends again, but alas, this has been completely dashed by the fact that we have been graced with no fewer than 14 inches of snow in the past day and a half.

Another part of the plans involved going to bed at a decent hour so I could wake up to make the drive to aforementioned beach, but since it isn’t going to happen I thought to myself, “Self, why don’t you go get caught up on Steepster?” And since my sleeping schedule is already completely SNAFU’d by finals, I just spend an extraordinary amount of time reading your tea notes and nearly getting back in sync with my beautiful Steepsterites. [I told myself I’d get to “3 days ago” and by the chariot of Hades I have done it!] I might even be completely caught up by the end of tomorrow, which is pretty insane. Sorry for the ATTAK. It had to be done.

Right, so yuzu sencha. This is a newer tea from Samovar, [who coincidently just got a slew of even newer teas in that you can bet I will be ordering because if I don’t a kitten will die] and I’ll admit that at first I was a little dubious when I took the first sip.

I shouldn’t have been worried, though. The dry leaves have a strong, juicy scent to them [it reminds me of this Japanese gum a friend gave me once] but this is simply a subtle tea. The flavors grew on me as my tongue became more accustomed to it. The yuzu flavor is clean and bright, and I thought it paired exceedingly well with the roasty, vegetal, almost creamy notes of the sencha. [For those unfamiliar with yuzu, it is a citrus fruit. Something I’d pin down between a lime and a grapefruit, tastewise.]

Sometimes, the yuzu sings through the sencha clearly, making for a refreshing sensation, but again, this tea is pretty light overall. It could be because of the very short steep time, so I might try playing around with that a bit, but this reads as delicate to me and I fear oversteeping it. If the yuzu were stronger, I also think it could be overpowering. It’s rather precariously balanced, but for me it works very well.

This is not going to be a drink every day tea for me because of the yuzu, but it could very well be an every third day tea. Or an alternate thursdays and dates containing multiples of five tea. It offers a flavor profile that is new to me, yet holds back from being a novelty kind of tea because the sencha grounds it.

I know, I know, you all are thinking, “What’s new? She likes another Samovar tea.” But I tell you, people, when I dislike a Samovar tea, I will log it as such!

Blerg, it is now late enough to be considered early morning and yet I am not tired. The aftermath of finals, it appears, continue to haunt me still. I will laugh at them by continuing to be on Steepster until I become sleepy. What’s the point of celebrating life if you can’t sleep until late afternoon, I ask you?

160 °F / 71 °C 1 min, 30 sec
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kat 15 years ago

Yay! Ur baaaaaaack! Missed u girl!

takgoti 15 years ago

Thank you! I missed you!

laurenpressley 15 years ago

I know! I’m in NC, and the snow was crazy here, too. In fact, I haven’t left the house since Friday because of all the snow still on the roads… I guess I’ll be ordering tea as holiday presents rather than going to the mall. :)

teaplz 15 years ago

I MISSED YOUR LOGS. They’re so awesome. Seriously. You’re one of the funniest people on here, and your descriptions are vivid!


takgoti 15 years ago

@laurenpressley Seriously! I guess it’s all up and down the coast. Hope you’re staying safe! I am remaining indoors, thankyouverymuch.

@teaplz psthatisincrediblysweetiheartyou.

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23 tasting notes

(Tea 3 of 8 in the my-boyfriend-is-awesome series)

Living in Japan, I’m surrounded by yuzu-flavored everything, from yuzu ice cream to yuzu soy sauce — and, occasionally, actual yuzus. I’ve become quite the yuzu enthusiast, so out of all the teas Garrett sent me, I probably held this one to the highest standards.

I can smell the yuzu right away. Good start. And I love that cloudy, light green color. It tastes very grassy and sencha-y at first — is it my imagination or is the yuzu taste getting more and more prevalent with each sip? It’s like an author building up the suspense with every chapter and ending the book on a cliffhanger, but you don’t mind because you already bought the sequel. I steep a second cup to find out.

Second cup, the taste evens out. Yuzu and sencha work together, allowing you to understand the relationship between the characters.

Third cup, it’s yuzu all the way. Happy ending.

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10 tasting notes

I ordered this by accident, thinking it was regular sencha.

I typically avoid “blended teas” – they tend to perfume or mask the tea’s natural flavour. Citrus-based blends especially have not been kind to me. This however was an entirely different experience. It’s a strange balance of “mellow” and “refreshing”. I find myself addicted to this refreshing experience. I ordered more. It’s a nice departure from the usual.

1min 30seconds, 175F 10-14oz of water, 1 teaspoon. Good for multiple steeps, though it tends to lose that fresh edge after the second steep. 4 steeps depending on your palate, though you should start incrementing steep time by 15-30 seconds each subsequent steep.

I have yet to try the “suggested brewing instructions”, which is 2 tablespoons over 16oz of water for 2 minutes. Seems a bit much to me.

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 30 sec

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18 tasting notes

Try this again and upping my rating a little tiny bit. It’s growing on me, or maybe the bottom of the packet is a better mix. All I know is I feel like I’m getting more flavor now. Mmm, yuzu.

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 45 sec

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