Since we have discovered recently that sweet flavoured rooibos is not completely unacceptable to me, I finally felt brave enough to try this one. It’s one of those that I’m not sure where came from but which caused me to wonder what on earth the sender was thinking to give it to me. It’s just a small amount, though, and I’m making just one cup of it. We shall see if it’s pleasant.
It smells sweet and almond-y, so so far so good. That’s a very heavy smell, thick smell, that, so the actual rooibos is very well under control here.
Unfortunately it’s a bit more sweetened rooibos-y in the flavour, with the almond showing up as more of an aftertaste. It’s a very good aftertaste, but I would have preferred it to cover the rooibos up completely. Can’t have everything, though, and it helps that it tastes sweetened.
I wouldn’t say it was awesome. But it’s definitely on the better end of acceptable.