I’m not much of an alcohol drinker, but rum is one of the few drinks that I like. There are lots of alcohol matchas, but when I saw this I knew I had to jump on it. I got this with the usual “Robust” flavoring, and when I first opened the package the smell was very strong. It didn’t exactly smell like rum though, maybe more of a “bubblegum” flavor? I was worried I should have gotten a lighter flavor level, but there’s no turning back now. Might as well drink up.
I first tried this cold. I put 1/2 teaspoon in a water bottle, shook it up, and I wasn’t getting a whole lot of flavor. So I added another 1/2 teaspoon, but the flavor was still lacking.
So I decided to brew this hot and I think the flavor comes out a little bit more there. I added some milk, which helped a little with the bitterness. I think I was just expecting the flavor to be a lot more prominent based on the smell.
I think it’s better hot, although I still want to try and mix it with other flavors to see if I can coax out the flavor a little more. The flavor is also a tad disappointing for me. I was hoping for more of smooth rum taste but it almost tastes like candy…
As a reminder, you can buy this matcha here:
( not sure why the URL is like that, but that’s what it is)