Sweetheart Rooibos

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Rooibos Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
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From Queen Mary Tea

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3 Tasting Notes

440 tasting notes

Nope, not a fan of this one. It has an off taste and is twisting something up in my stomach. Going to pass on this Sweetheart.


XD I did warn you! I’m sorry you didn’t like it, though. <3.

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1473 tasting notes

Thanks, QueenofTarts for sending this my way! I enjoy this tea…to a point. The beginning of the sip is amazing, but the end just…ruins it for me. It weirds me out. I don’t think it’s something I’d search out once it’s gone, but it’ll be no hardship to finish what I have! Thanks again!

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223 tasting notes

Thanks QueenOfTarts for this one!

This blend is so cute with the little candy hearts! I’m not quite sure what is in it, but I can see bits of nuts (perhaps pecans?) and other things. I quite like this – it’s sweet and nutty, and the flavourings are supported well by the rooibos base.

But…as I get further down the cup, and it starts to cool, the nutty flavour becomes overbearing and I start to get funny feeling in the back of my throat. As it cools down even more, it becomes very, very sickly sweet.

Hmm. I liked this tea at the beginning of the cup, but it turned out too sickly for me.

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