White Whisper
by Phoenix Tea Shop- Tea type
- White Tea
- Ingredients
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- Flavors
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- Caffeine
- Not available
- Certification
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- Edit tea info Last updated by TeaBrat
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what up wit da tathebuds, Amy?!?!?!?!
Aww, you missed all the drama, my boyfriend and I broke up and I’ve been in a big funk. :(
Uggggghhhhh!!!! Did this happen when I was away on my meditation retreat? Well, my friend, I recently ended a relationship of 10 years… these things can be difficult. I highly recommend a book called “storms can’t hurt the sky”. I think, knowing a little about you, that you would value the book. I recommend it to a lot of people in my massage practice and friends. They have all come away with it with great things to say. I don’t call ’em relation"trips" for nothing!
I wish you nothing but joy. Had you been together for long? Not that it really matters cause it can be hard breaking up after a week as well as 10 years :)
Yeah, it must have been. Wow, 10 years is a long time, we were together for 3 but I’m still broken up about it. I’ll check out the book, thanks! I’ve been doing a ton of dharma activities too.
S.F. Boyfriend Brokeup Funk Blues…in the Fog! More than the Tastebuds…blech…I think you need to have champagne on a yacht in the South of France! I wish you could feel better!
What I really want you to do is really take care of yourself right now and you are right on with the dharma activities. LOVE LOVE LOVE yourself! There is nothing selfish about that. Feel it all and know that you have the STUFF to go on from this and rock and roll.
Thanks Bonnie. :)
Will do, Garret! Thanks for the book recommendation, I really appreciate it. :)
And Pema Chodron, too! She is fantastic when it comes to this sort of thing. Podcasts of Tara Brach are really amazing. They are free and she is an amazing teacher.
Yeah, Pema Chodron totally got me through my divorce a few years ago. :D
Sending positive energy your way. Hope things look up for you soon.
Garret – Zencast is also a great podcast. Gil Fronsdal is great!
Invader Zim – thank you!
Amy! I will check that out! I love to surround myself with positive vibes and reminders all day long. Helps me stay open and clear! Thank you for that!
Glad to see you are back. Hope your funk leaves soon. You totally need cute baby animal videos. :)
Oh Amy! I’m so sorry! I broke up with my 6 year boyfriend and it was a tough time. In retrospect, I am happy I went through it. It made me a stonger person and made me appreciate myself a bit more. It is tough… I wish you the best and remember that you have abunch of tea drinking friends that are always here for you (and your taste buds!). :)
Thanks Nina and Missy. :)