Blueberry Earl Grey

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Black Tea
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205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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From Ovation Teas

Blend of Assam and Ceylon loose leaf black teas with blueberries, orange peel, marigold petals, and cornflowers with blueberry and bergamot flavoring.

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26 Tasting Notes

6768 tasting notes

SIPDOWN…I will miss this very much!


I like the sound of blueberries with earl grey

Scott B

I don’t care all that much for bergamot, but blueberry and lemon go well together, so this sounds pretty interesting.

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3503 tasting notes

This is a sample sipdown, and I am ashamed to say that I have probably had this for about two years, maybe longer. I really want to place some orders, but I have SO. MUCH. TEA. My bestie busted out laughing a few days ago when I made tea for us to share. I asked what was so funny and she said it was because there are all these tea tins on display in the kitchen, and then I bend over and open a chest and it is full, too! Oy.

Even though this was old, it was quite good. The base was smooth, not very strong, though it may have been stronger long ago. The bergamot is moderate here and I can smell and taste another citrus here, maybe orange? But I can not find blueberry in this cup at all. Other reviewers mentioned it being in the forefront and being quite strong. It is probably because my sample is old, or the food was competing with it. We had brownies with a dark chocolate drizzle, sugared strawberries, and homemade vanilla ice cream with white and semi-sweet chocolate chips in it, also drizzled with homemade dark chocolate “Magic Shell.”

I have enough for one more cup, so I think I will try it again sans food and see if I can detect those blueberries. (My other blueberry teas taste like violets to me.)


Sounds interesting. Blueberries and Earl Grey sound like a good combination.


I know what you mean about having too much tea as well. I keep avoiding Savoy now when I’m at the mall because…to quote you, I need more tea like I need a llama.

Incidentally, I’ve been using that expression so much, my husband is threatening to get me a stuffed llama for Christmas.


Ha! I totally get the over purchasing problem! Desperately trying to get my stash down too. My cupboard on here doesn’t do it justice, I have so many samples and swap samples a bit like you!


It stands to reason that since blueberry/lemon is a conventionally acceptable combo, the lemon-ish in the bergamot would blend nicely. May have to give that an experimental whirl—I have both flavors in my llama collection.


Llama? That’s just silly. Everyone knows the real money is in Alpaca! I tend to cringe when anything is added to my earl grey but reading gmathis’ reasoning, I can see how this might be good.


Mason jar steeping in the fridge right now. Maybe I’ll get a goat instead. I’m tired of lawn mowing.

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470 tasting notes

Today is my dad’s birthday, and as tradition dictates I baked a cake! I love baking but I usually try to keep my cakes simple. Well, not this year! My dad said he wanted “something fruity” so as tempted as I was to make a fruitcake just for laughs I went with a blueberry lemon theme.

The base cake was a fluffy white cake, much less sweet than your usual cake, studded with blueberries. In the middle was a blueberry mousse, the frosting was lemon cream cheese and it was topped with more mousse and candied lemon peels. All from scratch!

And because 4 components weren’t enough apparently I also made a sorbet on the side. Using… this tea! Water, sugar, vanilla, lemon juice and this tea simmered for 15 minutes, then chilled and poured into an ice cream machine.

So this note isn’t really that centered on the tea (because CAKE) but the sorbet came out SO GOOD. The blueberry was strong, you’d swear there were fresh blueberries in there somehow, and of course EG is great in any cold form. All in all, a huge success! Worth the 5+ hours of work the total ensemble took.


WHOA that sounds delicious!

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4843 tasting notes

I recently sold my Earl Grey Sampler on Tea Trade, and after portioning that sampler out, I had just enough for one more pot of this tea, so I decided to start my day with this. Yummy!

Here is my full-length review:

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1598 tasting notes

I think this is my favorite of the Ovation teas I ordered. I’m happy I gave it a shot!

I’m sipping away at my 4oz bubble cup with just a splash of milk in it, while my timolino holds the rest. This is pretty good without milk too!


I’m glad you like it — it’s the only one from my Ovation teas that I haven’t tried yet!

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2201 tasting notes

I have to begin this tasting note with a caveat that I don’t usually like blueberry flavored things. I’m trying this one this morning because I have a groupon-style deal to this company that is expiring in the not-too-distant future, and I’m trying to decide what to order. It’s really tough! This company has a lot of blends that look tasty, not to mention the create-your-own blend option, but they don’t sell samples so I have to choose only a few. I’ve had one other tea from this company, the Brown Sugar Fig, which was also black, but I want to know how their Earl Grey base is. Also I need to try out their black tea base again… it’s a Assam/Ceylon blend, and I’m not the biggest fan of Assam.

However! This cup is very pleasant. The black tea base comes through as robust, but also very smooth and not bitter. It’s malty and plays well with the bergamot, which is bright and citrusy. The blueberry is omipresent and really the main flavor, but it’s not too overwhelming and I can still enjoy the cup. Of course now this only makes my ordering decision more difficult!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Blueberry Earl Grey is an interesting combo… I’m intrigued.


Yes, the bergamot isn’t very strong, and I notice you seem to be a fan of blueberries, so I think you’d like this one! If you want I’d be happy to send you the rest of my sample since I’m not big on blueberry. PM me if you’d like!

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4338 tasting notes

I bought some of this from Alphakitty when Ovation had their sad out-of-business sale. thanks alphakitty! I thought I’d have some of this with some lemon meringue pie for breakfast (no judging!:D). It sounded like the perfect combination and it is! The blend has some HUGE blueberries that you can’t really see, since it is the same color as the super black tea leaves. There is also a few flowers and some orange peel. The only way I could think to improve Ovation’s earl grey is to actually have more bergamot. There were a ton of orange peels in my infuser, and I think there was more of an orange flavor than bergamot. There was a hint of blueberry which I’m not sure is from the actual blueberries or flavoring, but it tastes pretty authentic to me. I love the fruitiness mixed with the medium bodied black tea. The black tea is brisk and a bit tough, and the other flavors make it gulpable and thirst quenching. I love this one.. I just wish for more bergamot! I’ll try steeping for less than five minutes next time.

5 min, 0 sec

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299 tasting notes

Tastes unlike Earl Grey and also unlike blueberries but isn’t bad – a little bitterish.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I bought this because Ovation was closing and they were selling everything for like $1 an oz. I was hoping it’d be tasty but… meh.


When I lived in Vic I used to get EG from Murchies and then steep it with whatever fruit tea I had around (which was a blueberry rooibos sometimes or a grapefruit herbal) and they were pretty yum – so this tea is definitely a good thought, but it fell flat, yep.


That’s a good idea! I haven’t tried mixing anything around at all.

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94 tasting notes

The first time I tried making this tea I got distracted and oversteeped it by 7+ minutes. Needless to say it was bitter.

A while later I tried it again with fresh leaves for about 4 minutes. It was very blueberry-ish. It could use more bergamot but still a good Earl Grey. I am thinking of mixing with with some double bergamot for MORE bergamot, or some EG cream because a creamy blueberry EG has to be awesome.

It is good with milk and some sugar helps bring out the blueberry. I might try an even shorter steep time to see if that keeps the bergamot from being overwhelmed by the blueberry.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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127 tasting notes

This one came from a swap with Lariel!

This one smells so good. Dry, the blueberry scent sticks out a little more. Once brewed, the black base, bergamot, and cornflowers are more detectable. Luckily, the blueberry is still there, and not overshadowed by the earl grey notes.

Taste: Yum! I love me some earl grey and I love me some blueberries, and this tea delivers on both. All the basic aspects of an earl grey are present; the earthy black tea, the bergamot, the citrus notes. And the blueberry shines through very nicely. Not overpowering, but almost naturally blending with the other aspects. It isn’t artificial in the least. I love this! Too bad Ovation is no more. =(

Thanks, Lariel, for letting me try some of this before it was gone forever. Happy to have tried it.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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