Shae’s ADVENT CALENDAR, December 12
We are in half folks!
Two exams on Monday. Both hard; imagine economy of transport companies and linear programming. No idea what to expect as we got it in distant way.
A tea; another straweberry, and my gummy ones are eaten. So they aren’t on the photo. But there are some in. Prepared a mug for myself and then a pot for family. As intended from Shae, as she sent me a huge load. I used two teaspoons for my 300 ml, and 4 tsp for family pot. I really should measure the volume.
The tea; I have to agree with Roswell Strange it is candy-like strawberry and I notice bit of creamy. So kind of strawberry-cream candy. It’s quite sweet for me (but well, I don’t sweeten my teas) and it’s smooth. The base is bit lacking, but as a decaf, maybe I don’t mind. It isn’t artificial which I really like on this blend. I am impressed of the smoothness of this blend, as I have been afraid it will be rough on tongue due to decaf base, but… it isn’t.
A good tea for the evening; but maybe I shall prepare myself another caffiened tea, as I need to focus on that Economy of transport companies. I feel like it isn’t making any sense to me. There are laws, there are some terms I don’t understand, there are some calculations which aren’t hard per se, but all together it looks like a big mishmash to me. Moreover, I have no idea what to expect in the exam. A credit-exam (my dictionary says so); so one bigger is coming after Christmas. Hopefully I can at least pass this one; so I don’t have to resit.
Flavors: Candy, Creamy, Strawberry