Blue Lotus Blossom Herbal Tea/Tisane

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Lotus Flowers
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Caffeine Free
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Edit tea info Last updated by derk
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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From Mountain Stream Teas

Beautiful and delicious, we are proud to offer Blue Lotus Blossom Herbal Tea for the first time. This summer, we stumbled upon a 28 year old organic Lotus Flower Farm in our own backyard and couldn’t resist sharing them with you. Each blossom is hand picked, beautifully cared for, and carefully dried over three days, to give you an amazing hot or cold brew.

A fact that surprised us is that Blue Lotus is illegal in a small number of countries. Used in many religious rites and ceremonies throughout history, many cultures have revered this flower and used it to experience spiritual awakenings, fully aware of its effects. Buddhism has made extensive use of it in symbolism as well. Please check that it this tea is legal in your particular jurisdiction before you get some.

While we have not been ‘tripping’ as we have been enjoying this tasty herbal tea, we have noticed a clarity of thought and slightly positive change in mood. Apparently, however, if you concentrate it enough it is possible to have a hallucinogenic experience. Don’t get too excited, however. The concentration needs to be very high :)

NOTE: Called ‘Blue’ Lotus the actual color of the dried flowers varies from yellow-blue to bright blue when dried. Rest assured it is the same flower and has the same taste no matter the color.

Elevation: 100m

Status: Certified Organic

Cultivar: Nymphaea nouchali var. caerulea

Season: Summer, 2021

Method: Hand picked, processed on site, very small batch

Region: Jian, Hualien

Recommend Brewing Style:

We have experimented with one blossom in 95C(205f) water for multiple one minute steeps in a smaller glass(~300ml), and with slightly lower temperatures and longer steep times in a larger teapot. Both seemed to work well!

Be careful as the first steep of this tisane can be bitter if you brew it intensely with hot water. If you have a low bitterness tolerance a quick, 30 second rinse to begin might be a good idea. Later steeps are sweet with hints of ripe yellow fruit and, of course, the intoxicating scent of the Lotus Blossom itself.

**As with most herbal teas, experiment yourself with brewing parameters to get the best possible result for your individual taste preferences. Good luck and let us know how it goes!

For wholesale inquiries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

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3 Tasting Notes

1968 tasting notes

Didn’t care for the smell, quite artichokey and savory. Taste was something else though! Ended up dumping the first steep as recommended. But, subsequent steeps were marshmallowy- like a distinct marshmallow flavor. It’s slightly floral, but mostly quite sweet. A really interesting, unique flavor.

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336 tasting notes

Decided to bust this out whilst playing some Elder Scrolls: Skyrim. I wanted to sip on something casual and unique. I threw one of these into the Ingenuitea and let it sit for 3-5ish minutes. It’s a flower, so it tastes like a flower; a sweet flower. It doesn’t seem to open up into anything amazing; slightly mushy. Ha-Ha.

I always get sleepy when sipping this flower. I know that the properties can cause drowsiness and the possibility of hallucinations (per Google, only if smoked, so I’m safe). I have one last flower left, so I’ll save it for another day this week or whenever I need a restock/wait for more CBD tea.

Side Note: This does pretty well gongfu’d, too.

Flavors: Floral

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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1652 tasting notes

One lotus flower was what the sunny day requested.


Those flowers look gorgeous! If they taste even half as good as they look it must have been a tasty brew.


I brewed it in a glass teapot with 500mL of water then refilled a few times. MST said boiling water produced some bitterness, so I opted for something like 185F. It was nutty and very sweet with complex lotus aromatics. Calming, and good for a day of fasting.

Evol Ving Ness

Sounds like a lovely way to start the year.

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