Organic Darjeeling Goomtee

Tea type
Black Tea
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Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 15 sec 64 oz / 1892 ml

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19 Tasting Notes View all

From LeafSpa Organic Tea

This first flush Darjeeling from the organic tea division of the Goomtee estate is a fine-looking classic of chestnut leaves with golden accented tips. A light honey muscatel flavor and a balanced nutty briskness linger as a delightful aftertaste.

Origin of Primary Ingredient: India
Certified Organic Tea: Yes

About LeafSpa Organic Tea View company

LeafSpa Organic Tea is an importer, blender and retailer of premium quality organic and Fair Trade Certified teas. LeafSpa is also proud to offer their new line of organic spa products and bath accessories all made with the purest tea leaves on earth.

19 Tasting Notes

545 tasting notes

Yesterday morning I excitedly steeped up the newest black tea in my cupboard. If asked, I wouldn’t be able to remember having ever had a darjeeling. Yet oddly, I seem to have the idea in my head that I don’t care much for darjeelings.

The Dry Leaves — Black, brown, reddish tan, and muted green. Small, some straight, some curled. The smell is black, paper, airy, slightly floral, and a bit of fresh raw olives. Good.

The Wet Leaves — Brown with a few being olive green-brown. Larger than I’d have expected. The smell is very faint, sweet, papery, black tea.

The Tea — Rich golden brown. The smell is light but floral, sweet, papery, musty, black tea. The dry leaves definitely had the strongest more complex smell. The taste is sweet deep floral in the front through the middle. The middle brings a round solidness which is stronger and full with just a hint of sharpness but not at all floral. This follows through to the end of each sip. I don’t really know what to compare this taste to but it’s good. Overall, this tea is just lovely.

This tea instantly reminded me of A&D’s Napal. I don’t know if Napal is a darjeeling or not. I might guess so after having this tea. The floral quality to them is very similar. I think I like this tea better than Napal, but time will tell for sure. This tea seems to have more to it.

I went with 4 minutes for the first steep and the tea was definitely strong enough. I might try 3 minutes 30 seconds and 4 minutes 30 sec to see if I’d prefer it weaker or stronger then head in that direction. But I think 4 minutes will be a perfectly acceptable steep.

2nd steep: 6 min.
On the first few sips, I thought it was too weak and I’d need to add a pinch of fresh leaves to get a second steep from it. As the tea cooled a bit, I realize this was not the case. Yes, it is weaker than the 1st steep, but it still has enough drinkable flavor to stand on its own.

I am rating Darjeeling Goomtee a 78, on the high end of good (60-80), the same as Napal. I suspect the rating on one of the teas will be moved a few points after I’ve had more of this tea or tasted them closer together. I also suspect this tea will end up the higher rated of the two.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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4843 tasting notes

This is a really good first flush Darjeeling. A very nice nutty tone to it, with pleasant honey-like notes, and a brisk astringency that feels clean and refreshing.

Currently working on my review for this tea on SororiTEA Sisters:

It will publish tomorrow evening! Watch for it!

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec

SororiTEA Sisters UNITE!!!!


Wondertwin powers activate … err… never mind.


Weeeeee have the POWER!!!!! :P


“Wondertwin powers”…that made me LOL! I haven’t thought about that in a long time.


I HAD to match her Wondertwin and raise her a SHE-Rah!


I dressed up as She-Ra one year for Halloween when I was little. Oh yes!


Nah…it was LAST YEAR…wasn’t it!? LOL

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6768 tasting notes

Oh…hello there! Aren’t you squeaky clean!? This is nutty-sweet with a light honey taste. A very good darjeeling!

Thank you for this LiberTEAs!!!!

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141 tasting notes

This has a great fragrance that’s subtle, yet well defined. It’s nutty and peppery with a bit of citrus and honey.

Prepared, this is a really well balanced darjeeling. It’s nutty and slightly astringent but is far more mellow than others I’ve had in the same category. Waking up to this tea is more like a small bell as opposed to the gong of a darjeeling I normally drink.

Thanks LiberTEAS for the sample!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec
Geoffrey Norman

Great…another reason to lament LeafSpa going under. sob!

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2037 tasting notes

Sipdown no. 157 for the year 2014. This is a back log from yesterday when I polished off the last little bit of this as my morning hot cup.

I’m on a sipdown roll with these black Leafspas. Though Darjeeling isn’t really black, they just call it that. This is the third sipdown of a mega tin inside of a week, helped tremendously by the cold brewing that is going on pretty frequently these days given the heat here. I let this one steep a bit too long I think, but it’s still tasty and just a tad bitter. Darjeeling makes an interesting cold brew. I don’t know that I’d pick it for that ordinarily as it’s a little piquant for a cold tea in my book.

Which raises a question. What else do you like to cold brew? Is oolong a good choice? I have a ton of it and not as much time these days as I need to enjoy it hot through multiple steeps. If it’s a good choice, how long should it brew, or does it matter?

Also, what about pu erh? I have a lot of loose pu erh and the idea of cold brewing it sounds kind of yuck, but I dunno, maybe it would be interesting?

Thanks in advance for your suggestions and sorry for my continued sporadic appearances. Things are getting kind of complicated here. The BF was admitted to the hospital last night with raging diabetes, and they haven’t let him out yet, so things are under an unusual amount of stress. Hope everyone else is having a better week. :-)


I cold steep oolong. It’s also really good if I only have time for a few steeps and then throw it in cold water in my fridge.


Wish your BF get well soon
I cold brew oolongs.


We do miss you Morgana …sending good vibes your way, hope he gets well real soon.

I cold brew EVERYTHING! Oolong, especially milk oolong is pure awesomeness. I love shou also, and I’ve been on a cold brewed chai mode the last few weeks. So good!


Excellent! I shall try an oolong cold brewed, probably sometime his weekend. And TF, cold brewed chai made my ears perk up. How do you do that? Do you brew it in milk and sugar?

Thanks all for the kind wishes. The BF is home after spending about 24 hours in the hospital. They gave him some drugs and a glucose monitor. His sugars are still quite high, but he’ll go back in a week to get checked.


It’s good news! Happy 4th of July !


Glad he’s home :-)

No milk, just about two teaspoons in a mason jar. I do cold brew chai in coconut or almond milk though….so good!


Oh, and add a little maple syrup to cold brewed chai, decadent!! :-)


Sending you big hug


I’m glad to hear he’s home. Hopefully, he’s doing even better today!


Thanks everyone!

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