Mt. Kenya Black

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Dried Fruit, Floral, Fruity, Grape Skin, Green Beans, Metallic, Perfume, Red Fruits, Red Wine, Smooth, Tart, Tea, Vegetal, Bitter, Citrus, Malt, Raisins, Wood, Chocolate, Dark Bittersweet
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf, Sachet
Fair Trade, Vegan
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 13 oz / 394 ml

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67 Tasting Notes View all

  • “My first cup of this was so thick and reminiscent of molasses. It was too much so I had to dump it and steep it for 3 min. It was so much better! It’s very strong, and malty, and slightly sweet and...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks to Justea for providing this sample for review. I am pretty picky these days about teas and I no longer jump on every offer for free tea on the forums. But this company stuck out: working to...” Read full tasting note
  • “Received this, with my thanks, from the JusTea folks in conjunction with a special campaign going on here: First cup steeped to a deep ruby-mahogany color. Light texture;...” Read full tasting note
  • “i had this first thing in the morning which seems so long ago that i can’t even think. I was hoping to get some tea in to me today but it’s been one thing after another with work today. I did...” Read full tasting note

From JusTea

A cup of Mt. Kenya Black transports you to the lush, jade tea gardens at the foot of Mt Kenya. Your traditional cup of black tea, brought to a whole new flavour level. Black tea caffeine provides you with focused energy!

Ingredients: Rainforest Alliance Kenyan Black Tea

About JusTea View company

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67 Tasting Notes

1598 tasting notes

My first cup of this was so thick and reminiscent of molasses. It was too much so I had to dump it and steep it for 3 min. It was so much better!

It’s very strong, and malty, and slightly sweet and full of depth. I can’t wait to try the other samples.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

How long did you steep the first cup? 5 mins?


Glad you tried it again! Because of the freshness of the tea, it requires a shorter steep time than many other black teas! Hope you try the Chai and the Earl Grey soon!


I can’t wait to! I was so impressed by the Kenya Black!

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2201 tasting notes

Thanks to Justea for providing this sample for review. I am pretty picky these days about teas and I no longer jump on every offer for free tea on the forums. But this company stuck out: working to bring a sustainable, whole-leaf tea processing company to Kenya, whose tea farmers grow most of the worlds’ tea (!) but see basically none of the profits as their product is chopped up into tea for bags. I have a soft spot for the fact that it’s Kenya, too, because I have spent some time in East Africa and the people there are so wonderful and really deserve a better option.

I tried this tea when I first got it because I couldn’t wait until the crowdfunding effort went live, now accessible at . At the time, I remember that it was malty and a bit sweet, but also with a decent hit of astringency. I think this astringency characterizes African teas in general, and more broadly it applies (for me) to most assams, which makes sense because the tea bushes in Africa are of var. assamica.

I steeped this one for a slightly shorter time than recommended (but at the recommended temp) and it has definitely toned down the astringency a bit. There’s pretty much no completely removing it, but it’s actually desirable for many people (usually described as “briskness”). The cup is a bit malty, with some cocoa notes in the nose but not really on the palate. There is definitely a slight fruitiness to this tea as well, perhaps a bit of stone fruit. Overall a very nice tea, and one I would highly recommend for lovers of a brisk morning cup. I can’t wait to try the Earl Grey that I also have from this company.

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec

This is also one of the few companies recently that i’ve jumped on the bandwagon to get free samples from. I really like what they’re doing. I’ve got a couple to try before their crowdfunding finishes so that i can help support that way.


Dinosara – curious, how much leaf did you use? Either I am immune to the astringency from a lifetime of my parents steeping tea for, well until someone remembers to pour it up, or I use way less leaf than everyone else. Of course maybe it is both. I used about 1 1/2 tsp leaf in 10-12oz of water and steeped 3 minutes (no where near the 30 minutes mom and dad routinely use).


I used 2 tsp for 12oz, which is my standard black tea amount and what Justea recommends for the tea. I am also on the other end of the spectrum, and hyper-sensative to astringency.

Terri HarpLady

It seems that I’m the last to know about this!


Terri – I’m sending you some though!!!

Terri HarpLady

oh cool! Then all is well in my world!

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3011 tasting notes

Received this, with my thanks, from the JusTea folks in conjunction with a special campaign going on here:

First cup steeped to a deep ruby-mahogany color. Light texture; dark flavor. Initial sip made me think, “Coffee?” Not exactly; more like dark rye or pumpernickel.

Will definitely appeal to tea-in-hobnail-boots lovers.

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15588 tasting notes

i had this first thing in the morning which seems so long ago that i can’t even think. I was hoping to get some tea in to me today but it’s been one thing after another with work today. I did however get to enjoy this cup again courtesy of Cavocorax this morning with my bagel, the only thing i’ve managed to eat today! soo tasty! and i still have another cup to enjoy later :) thanks cavo!

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4337 tasting notes

I was in the mood for a Yunnan tea, but I thought I’d give this one a try. Even though this is a Kenyan tea, it has the exact flavor profile I wanted anyway. Malty chocolately goodness! After a three minute steep the flavor is divine (it might be a bit much for some, but it has the perfect astringency for me). So it has the malt and chocolate of a Yunnan tea, but there is an astringency here that might not usually be with a Yunnan. The brisk Yunnan then! The flavor reminds me of something I recently had but I’m not sure what it was — definitely something from Butiki or Teavivre though… so only the best! The cup color is a lovely light mahogany. The dry leaves are very black and about a half inch long, the fragrance is surprisingly grassy! I know I’ve compared this to a Yunnan, but that is only because that was what I was in the mood for and was surprised that it was so similar. This MUST be the best Kenyan tea I’ve tried. Very delicious! I will certainly enjoy the rest of my free sample — thank you!


I am deciding whether or not I want to do their next campaign that launched today so I can get some of the Earl Grey. :)


I haven’t tried the EG sample they sent me yet.. looking forward to it!


I guess I must be numb to the astringency in this. I found it to be way smoother than an Assam or Ceylon. I did make the Yunnan connection.


I thought I was supposed to get EG & chai samples, but if I did, none of the sample packages were labelled as such. So I’m sharing the sample packs to make more people buy tea. :)


I got all three. I’ll post reviews later to spread them out. Loved the EG.


I really enjoyed it, but can’t afford to contribute more right now. I hope they succeed because I would like to order more later on.


i was comparing it to assam, but yunnan came up in my mind to! I didn’t point it out in my review tough its nice to see someone mention it!


I’m glad two of you thought of Yunnan and it wasn’t just my craving talking!

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1719 tasting notes

The brew in the picture looks orange. In my cup it was more of a beautiful ruby red. I was completely surprised by this tea. After reading that 95% of bagged black tea is Kenyan tea, I was expecting this to taste like, well tea. You know like the grocery store stuff. Nope not even close! This is wonderfully malty. Silky smooth with no rough edges. Not bitter. Slightly drying. Nice depth.

Even if this were not part of a great non-profit effort to break the cycle of poverty in Kenya, I would still recommend this. It is really good.

More in depth review here:

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772 tasting notes

After receiving this in the mail from the crowd funding campaign (I don’t remember which one, kickstarter? indiegogo?), I finally opened this and made myself a cup (at…2am, yay!).

Added milk and sugar as is my wont with black tea. A bit more of each because I’ve heard that good Kenyan tea can be a bit strong on the astringency and needs a bit extra and I’m glad that I did because this is simply a very very good cup of tea. Probably not the best it could be because I reheated it in the microwave once because I forgot I was drinking tea but otherwise it’s very very malty and a bit chocolatey and it tastes a bit fruity to me too, though I couldn’t tell you which fruit, other than not the more acidic citrus fruits. Very subtle to me though. The malt flavour comes through the most. I have another cup of this to go tonight and probably resteep the leaves tomorrow. I’ll add anything if something is different between now and then.

ETA: And apparently this is tasting note #400. Woo!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

Also, I really like the word ‘wont’


Despite my education being MATH MATH MATH, I really like words. Especially unusual words.


grats on 400 tasting notes!! woot woot!


Haha, not even in the same universe as you, Sil, but I’m pretty happy about it since that’s only about a half a year of active drinking (and the other half not so much).


whatever! have to celebrate those goals when you hit them!

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1040 tasting notes

I need to drink this more often because:
A> I have a lot of it.
B> I really like it.
C> It’s a good cause and I would like to support them by buying more.

A little brisk, but tons of depth. Bold enough to be a breakfast tea, but not offensively bitter or strong. It’s a little finicky, best if not over leafed or over steeped. I found today I liked it at about 1 TBSP/ 10oz mug for about 2 minutes (HOT water at work – maybe 90C ish). Different than the Chinese blacks that I’m used to, but a really nice change.
If anyone doesn’t know about JusTea – you should check them out, they are a non-profit organization that is teaching Kenyan tea farmers to process their own tea rather than selling it to a big company and not being paid appropriately.


(…buying more??….subliminal spreadsheet)


LOL I didn’t mean today – I just meant it’s a good cause and I should be drinking it and restocking to show support for their efforts. NO NEW TEA….


Oh, I’m very proud of you for that :-)


this IS a great tea :)

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1113 tasting notes

Thank you Starfevre for this sample sachet! I really appreciate it :D

WOW this is a really good black tea! Super malty and rich. I totally dig the farmer direct/ fair trade model, too. Looking at the prices on their website, this is a very affordable tea, as well! So basically it is a win/win/win!!

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML

this one is a great tea!

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2816 tasting notes

Thanks to Nicole for sending a sample of this my way.

My experience with Kenyan teas generally is they can be kind of astringent and brisk, but this really surprised me. It’s fairly mellow and has a nice maltiness with some brown sugar notes. Very fragrant in the cup as well. I managed to sip on it plain a bit but it was also heavenly with bit of soymilk and coconut sugar. I sense an underlying orange note in the finish. Definitely will consider picking this up for the permanent collection as I’ve been looking for a good tea from Africa and this is the best I’ve found yet, at least to my taste. thanks Nicole!

Boiling 2 min, 45 sec

Glad you liked it!


shipping to the US is expensive though. oh well!


It is, compared to the cost of the tea especially.

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