Summer Sunrise

Tea type
Oolong Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by JoysTeaspoon
Average preparation
4 min, 0 sec

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From Joy's Teaspoon

Like a refreshing dessert with a touch of something special – a very trendy finale to the perfect dinner. An elegant decoration of fine marigold blossoms simply adds to the beautiful image of this blend while the basil and lemon granules fill the senses with a mildly sweet aroma.

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8 Tasting Notes

4843 tasting notes

Wow! Very nice. I brewed this the way I’d brew a black tea, because the name and the color of the leaves suggested a black tea. However, when I checked the website for more information about the tea (after I brewed it, of course! ha!) I learned it was an Oolong.

But, fortunately, it would seem that the Oolong leaves nor the basil have suffered from the exposure to the boiling water. This is really tasty.

The basil adds a peppery overtone, with a hint of sweetness and menthol. The lemon is most prominent right at the start of the sip, and then it quickly subsides into the background providing more of a touch of brightness to the cup rather than a distinct lemon flavor. The Oolong is smooth and mild, with a hint of peach note in the background.

A very enjoyable cuppa – I really like this one!

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6768 tasting notes

I was having a hard time adding this one to Steepster – it was saying it was already there but no matter what I did to search for it by name or by company it wasn’t popping up so that is why I added (black) to the name…sorry if this is a problem.

I guess I can make the connection with the name of this because it DOES remind me of a Summer field or meadow! :)

the taste is of black tea, basil, and a hint of lemony goodness…but only a hint. This is nice if you get the chance to try it!

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4338 tasting notes

Additional notes: How did I confuse this for a black tea before? Maybe it said that at the top of the description before someone changed it? It doesn’t taste like an oolong anyway. The other flavors stand out more. I could definitely taste the basil and a bit of lemon this time. The steep color was a darker yellow. And it still had a golden raisin flavor! Is that possibly the oolong? With my new oolong flavor rating where 1 is light and 5 has a stronger flavor, I’d give this a 1. Pretty tasty especially because my sample package isn’t too young now. It’s odd that the description calls this a dessert or after dinner tea though, since the name is ‘sunrise’!

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1137 tasting notes

I’m not a huge fan of black tea but I enjoyed this one. It had a certain spicy-ness to it that was pretty great.

Sarah Ruthven

I think the spicy-ness is the basil…I love that aspect of this tea.

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1473 tasting notes

I don’t think I’m going to rate this one. I received a little tin of this from the wonderful QuiltGuppy, but it has no description on it. In an effort to clean out my tea drawer (and shelves…), I decided to make some of this this morning. I had just finished brewing it when I remembered that for some reason I had set this aside for De. The name led me to think of an oolong with fruit, orange and red fruits. That is not at all what I tasted XD. I don’t like basil, and I don’t like lemon in my tea. Pairing all of that with the fact that it was completely not what I thought it was, it doesn’t seem fair to rate it. De will like it, though. I’ll save the rest for her.

Thanks for sharing, QuiltGuppy, sorry I am made of fail!

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