Key Lime Coconut

Tea type
Black Tea
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Bitter, Cream, Lime
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Edit tea info Last updated by nomadinjeopardy
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 13 oz / 383 ml

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19 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I am still not finding any coconut in this tea and I think it could use it as the combination of lime peel and black tea can get bitter. Luckily Herbal Infusions samples are large enough that I...” Read full tasting note
  • “Another Sipdown! I tried this twice, and just never cared for it. The lime smelled great but didn’t carry into the flavour enough. And the base was odd – Kept getting that weird salty flavor I’ve...” Read full tasting note
  • “Heyo! The scent of lime when I cut open the package nearly knocked me over. Now that’s it’s cooled enough to drink, it’s still got that natural goodness. The lime is quite a bit more toned down now...” Read full tasting note
  • “Afternoon tea with R today. Dry this smells exactly like that bottled Nellie and Joe’s Key Lime juice one can get at the store, plus it’s making me have a visceral memory of something from...” Read full tasting note

From Herbal Infusions

Our signature blend of zesty lime, fresh coconuts and an Assam black tea base. Sweet coconut and tart key lime bring the cool refreshment of the islands to your cup.

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19 Tasting Notes

6444 tasting notes

I am still not finding any coconut in this tea and I think it could use it as the combination of lime peel and black tea can get bitter. Luckily Herbal Infusions samples are large enough that I have a couple more cups to try and get it right before I officially write this off.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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1598 tasting notes

Another Sipdown!

I tried this twice, and just never cared for it. The lime smelled great but didn’t carry into the flavour enough. And the base was odd – Kept getting that weird salty flavor I’ve found in a few teas now…


Ugh, too bad about the base. Hope I won’t get the same flavour from it.


Probably not? I think I’m the only one who gets it – caused partly by my combo of my water and steeper maybe too?


I was going to say, speaking of the earlier comment about water and location, I wonder if that may be part of the problem. I’ll watch for a salty flavour when I get mine in.


This one sounds really interesting!


This never worked for me either, Cavo. I tried the whole sample and was disappointed each time :(


Hmmm. I’m happy it’s not just me because I ordered some other teas from Herbal Infusions and I don’t want them all to be the same. I wonder if they use the same base for all their black teas? It’d make it easier for me to figure out what it is about certain teas that makes it “salty” and others not. I’ll have to add notes to my tea spreadsheet and track this: FOR SCIENCE.


haha FOR SCIENCE! Also, I think their base is the same for most of the ones I tried. I know I picked up on the same base flavor in Moose Tracks, Key Lime Coconut, and Santa’s Milk & Cookies. I haven’t tried many of their teas though so I might not be the expert on that topic.


(am I the only one that doesn’t have a tea spread sheet… ? )


dexter….possibly haha


dexter, no tea spread sheet here either!


I think they use the same base for pretty much all their black teas, and sadly I don’t like the base at all.


OMGsrsly – I was afraid of that, but I did like Moose Tracks, so I grabbed 50g of that and the Snowflake EG. There’s a few samplers so I’ll see how those go.


(Haha, Dexter, I don’t have one but sounds like a great idea!)


I haven’t even tried all my samples yet. I have this one, but I’m a little scared.


Yes! Spreadsheets are an excellent way to summarize all your tea thoughts, as well as notes on if you should repurchase it, how you prefer to drink it etc. I love excel bc it’s so easy to search for one specific tea out of hundreds.

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1401 tasting notes

Heyo! The scent of lime when I cut open the package nearly knocked me over.

Now that’s it’s cooled enough to drink, it’s still got that natural goodness. The lime is quite a bit more toned down now that it’s steeped and the Ceylon base really comes through. I’m really enjoying this one, though I’m not getting much coconut flavour at all.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

I was planning on picking some up tonight (well at midnight). You have made me more confidant in that decision.


I hope you picked some stuff up from HI :) I’ve only positive things to say about them, each tea I try continues to impress me.


I got 50 g of Cacao tea and about 3-4 samples of different teas including this one. I am excited to try them all!!


Yay! That’s awesome. I went through my 50g of Cacao way too fast. I’m already planning my next order, and it will definitely by 100g of Cacao haha.


haha I definitely jumped on the opportunity to get some Strawberry Cacao tea because that sounds amazing. Usually I would have just gotten a sample size but everyone seems to love the Cacao tea so I took a leap of faith and got 50 g. I am sure I won’t regret it. Worse comes to worse, if I don’t like it, I am sure someone on steepster will offer it a lovely home where it will be loved :P


I was checking periodically but I never saw the Strawberry Cacao! Darn. I will have to keep a lookout for any other flavours they offer. I really hope you enjoy all their teas :)


I don’t think it’s actually for sale yet, bit if you order and mention Steepster in the text they’ll add it in.

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612 tasting notes

Afternoon tea with R today.

Dry this smells exactly like that bottled Nellie and Joe’s Key Lime juice one can get at the store, plus it’s making me have a visceral memory of something from childhood but I cannot for the life of me place it. A candy or powdered drink, maybe. Strong and specific.

Steeped, the smell is still there but mutates slightly, and unfortunately brings with it that pool chlorine/cleaner aspect that is hard to avoid (there was some early 52teas intro last year for me that did the same, forget what exactly). But if you kind of avoid thinking about the chlorine/cleaner thing, it does definitely evoke chemical-y key lime pie. I don’t know what to say here exactly—it’s kind of both offputting and good, tilting back and forth each sip. I even get the oily graham cracker crust in the back. Smoothed out some with the clearance Harney goat caramels that came in the mail today, so apparently adding something genuinely creamy-tangy-sweet-rich helps (makes sense).

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 3 tsp 24 OZ / 709 ML

Interesting! I have yet to crack into mine of this; I really should.

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658 tasting notes

I wandered into Herbal Infusions last night during Nuit Blanche, and they kindly provided me with a couple samples. This one was first to be tried as I was trying to wake up this “morning”. I drew a bath and settled in for a soak with a cup of this.

This is really nice, and a good choice for waking up with after a long night. It’s both refreshing, with the bold flavours, and calming, with the smooth black base. The lime is very potent-smelling in the dry leaf, reminding me of a lime popsicle. Once infused it’s a little more subdued (not much!), and more natural-tasting than I expected from the scent, thanks to the lime peel I imagine. The coconut of course takes a back seat here but it does chime in, lending a sweet creaminess. I can’t help but compare this to DAVIDsTEA’s Cocomama Lime, which I had high hopes for but was disappointed by, so I’m happy that the coconut holds up in the flavour of this one. I think it compares very favourably.

This also did well in a second infusion (I got out of the bath to resteep my tea; is this going too far?), which I tend not to try with my black teas. It was less tart and more sweet and I may have actually preferred the second steep. Final observation: this tea is begging to be made into an alcoholic beverage. Margarita, perhaps?


Oh my goodness! I am so walking over there on my lunch hour tomorrow :)


Wow – got out of a bath to resteep tea. That is dedication! I haven’t met a tea worth leaving a nice bath for (although I do try to take a big mug in with me when I take one!)


Do check it out! The store was quite nice.


Janefan – haha! It was mostly that I wasn’t ready to get out of the bath and face the real world, nor to be out of tea. It’s not a regular occurrence, I swear!

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513 tasting notes

The black base is really nice and strong in this one. I get hints of lime, I wonder if a bit of sugar would tease them out a little more. The coconut does really take back seat to the other flavours. I found that this one brewed strong and fast, you need to really keep an eye on it or the black will get a little bitter. I liked this tea, I just wish I could tease out a tiny bit more fruit flavour. Next time, I will be trying it with a bit of sugar. However, with the intensity of the base tea I think this will be one to brew at home because I don’t think it will hold up well steeping all day in my traveller.

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72 tasting notes

I like that these teas are not as sweet, they are more tart and true to flavour. I thought this one was good, but maybe had a bit too much… lime? I’m not sure. I wasn’t sure when I was drinking it, but I wish it had a bit more coconut. This one could easily taste even more like a tropical beverage, waiting to transport you to the beach. That being said, this tea was still fantastic, and would probably be even better iced, which I’m excited to try.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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681 tasting notes

Sipdown! (89/395)

MissB sent me this a long time ago and it lingered around way longer than I thought it would. From the name I fully expected to love this tea, but each time I drank it I was disappointed. Over the last couple of days I finished this off I drank it a few times, using different parameters each time and couldn’t settle on one which made the flavours pop like I wanted. The base tea is not the greatest – it’s not the worst, either, but it’s fairly astringent and needs milk, even brewed at lower temperatures and for less time than a lot of blacks can stand. It’s also pretty flat, and I like a base tea with nuances, or at least one good solid note which I can hold on to and this didn’t have that for me. The lime flavour, especially when shorter brewed, actually is present and pretty nice. It has a sharpness but also a jammy quality and is brought out with a little sugar, but the coconut is nowhere to be found (and I love me some coconut, so this kinda disappointed me a lot). What’s more, the absolute killer for me is that the astringency means I can’t drink this without milk, and when milk is added the lime flavour is almost completely drowned out, and it doesn’t even help add more coconuttiness so unless you like your tea bitter there is zero point in even having this. I really like the idea of this tea, but the execution is poor. Ah well, on to better teas.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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2291 tasting notes

This smells really good, but something about the flavouring is coating my tongue and making me not want to finish the glass.

I prepared as an iced tea, making 500ml extra-strong and pouring over ice. I didn’t add any sweetener, but I think it might need it to bring the lime flavour forward. The base is quite strong, and the coconut lends a creamy texture.

Not bad, but not super great. I’d consider getting more because of the uniqueness of the flavour, if only HI had better customer response. (Maybe responding to customer emails, and also sending out a shipping notification…)

Flavors: Bitter, Cream, Lime

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 30 sec 4 tsp 17 OZ / 500 ML

poop on HI


I just continue to be astounded at their customer service.


Seriously. I sent 3 emails asking about status, and then a refund and recieved NOTHING. So, forget that.


I have some teas left I haven’t tried yet, so I’ll post about those… :)

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652 tasting notes

Sample sipdown!

Received this one from MissB.

It was nice to try! When I was drinking it I kept thinking that it tasted like key lime flavoured tea. Which is exactly what it is.


It was decent, but not something I would need to own. I’m actually not a huge proponent of anything lime flavoured, except desserts. Same rule applies to lemon things, usually. I need a major creamy note in there.

This had a mild creamy note. The coconut helped. Nice to try!

Thanks MissB :)

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