2013 Minqian Rizhao Green Tea Xianshuang type

Tea type
Green Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 0 min, 45 sec

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From Han Xiang Ecological Tea

produced at Rizhao Arashiyama district GAN green tea plantation.

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4 Tasting Notes

437 tasting notes

I brewed this tea at a slightly higher temperature and away from the other one and it was really nice today. The higher temperature ( @85) produced a thinner brew but it had this lovely caramel/honey sweet spice note found in the black tea from this region. This tea had more melon in it today, but chestnut was still present in the background as well as a crisp sweet green bean note. Suited me perfectly this evening.


Mmmmm…this sounds lovely.


wow, really nice! love all the notes…

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3294 tasting notes

A sipdown! Finally!
I got this one from Sil, who got it from YYZ.
It’s a really nice green tea, which to me tasted like cream of wheat cereal & green beans.

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15588 tasting notes

mmmmm another tea from YYZ Now while i stand fast in that green teas generally aren’t my favourite tea, i DO admit there are a fwe out there that i love. This falls in to that category as this is a deliciously great green tea. it’s got a sweet green bean taste to it and there’s none of that after taste that sometimes hangs around with some green teas. This is just a really solid tea. Again, probably not going to stock it since i never drink greens with any speed but this would fall to the top of my list if i were going to :) thanks a bunch YYZ!

180 °F / 82 °C 0 min, 45 sec

I adore this one too..so much that I am willing to brave taobao to restock it. Green teas are the main part of tea production whereas as black teas are still seen to be experimental. A lot of companies have not yet produced black teas this year. Whether this was because of lower yields due to drought or just the level of demand for the green tea I don’t know.

I’m really glad you liked this one!

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