Peach Infusion

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Fruit Herbal Blend
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205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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From Fusion Teas

Many different, exquisite, dark red fruits and berries have been mixed with bright cornflowers and ennobled with pink strawberries. Some apple and papaya pieces give a tender sweetness to the full, luxurious infusion. The smell of the fresh, exotic flavor reminds of ripe mangos, mellow peaches and other fruit treasures of Mother Nature. Due to intensity and strength, these flavors refresh with both, their smell and taste.

Ingredients: elderberries, hibiscus blossoms, apple pieces, papaya, currants, rose hip peel, black currants, blueberries, strawberry pieces, cornflower blossoms.

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7 Tasting Notes

4336 tasting notes

Additional notes: Sample sipdown! Many teaspoons went into this cup, after I picked out the hibiscus (not much here actually), and a bit of sugar. I’m not sure WHICH berries these are, since there are a few in the ingredients list.. the tiny dark ones, but this cup is like a berry juice. The cup color is VERY dark. So good and the perfect amount of tart! This sample was old but tasted just as good as I remembered. This is just the perfect fruit blend. I wish I had ordered a couple more fruit samples with my order. The rating stands. I shall miss it!

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1220 tasting notes

Yay I have samples from Fusion Tea Room! I am surprised to be the first one logging this. Since I am in Georgia I feel the need to get everything peach flavored. (Fun fact: There are 23592 peach related streets here. Once I was looking for a chocolate shop on Peachtree Road, but turned onto North Peachtree Road, and I had just come from Peachtree Industrial Boulevard, and eventually turned around on Peachtree-Dunwoody Road. Yep.)

Peaches do not really even appear on the ingredient list (probably just under flavoring), but the taste is still there. It’s more berry and peach than just peach. I had been expecting all peach, but the berry flavor is tasty too. I’m not sure what exactly I am tasting, but there are four berries listed in the ingredients and to me they have combined into one superberry flavor.

I am getting better at accepting hibiscus. It wasn’t too bad, and with a bit of sweetener it’s now hardly noticeable over the fruit flavors. If I can get the flavor of hibiscus, it’s the peach flavor that comes to the rescue of my tastebuds and all is well again.

This is pretty good, I should also mention that I had it iced. I don’t think I would try to drink this hot, because it is way too good cooled off and poured over ice instead.

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137 tasting notes

This is one that I got from tattooed_tea. I’m glad to have it in my cupboard!

This tea. It is so unlike what I expected! But still tasty. There aren’t many fruity herbals that I don’t get along with. And I love peachy flavoured things, so how perfect? I steeped it hot and then stashed it in the fridge to sip on later.

When I first opened the packet I was overwhelmed with peachy goodness. I happily stuck the bag under my girlfriend’s nose. “Fuzzy peaches!!”
Yep, she’s right. It smells like fuzzy peach sour candies, which are one of my addictions. At this point I couldn’t wait to try it!

I love the colour that this steeps up to. The deep wine shade was unexpected so I took a peek at the ingredients. Hibiscus? Yep, hibiscus. Onward!

This is pretty tasty as an iced tea, but again, not what I expected. The peachy flavour is prominent, but there’s also a delicious dark berry/currant flavour coming through. Mm, I do love black currant. The tartness of the hibiscus brings everything together. Overall, I like this blend, but it’s not as peachy as I expected based on the name and scent. I don’t think I’d get this one again, but I’ll happily finish off the packet!


Glad you’re enjoying it, because I couldn’t stomach it right from the smell. And I love peachy things.


Strange how we taste things so differently!

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111 tasting notes

Again, thanks to Fusion Tea Room for this sample! I must say, it was a very beautiful blend!! Very colorful and it made me smile at how pretty it is! Job well done. :-)

Smell: Dry, in the bag. PEACH!! PEACHY PEACH PEACH! And maybe some berry-ish appley smell? More peach berry than anything else. It was another one that I kept sniffing the bag while I waited for my water to boil. Steeping the peachy smell was still there, though the berry kind of died out and the hibiscus began surfacing. Color was a pretty red-purple, common for hibiscus and berry teas, I’m noticing. Kind of wine like. Yum.

Taste: First sip, with one packet of sugar (in the raw, as always!) It was tart. Not overly so, but a little bit, and the peach was so-so. A bit more sugar, and the peach came out a bit more and the tart died down. I’m not sure what my other tastes are, to be honest, because the tart and peach are the only ones surfacing. I’m going to let it cool for a bit.

time lapse. Warm now, but not hot, and the peach is WAY there, the tart is not bad at all anymore (me and hibiscus are starting to become friends) and I can taste a berry something. Not sure what, but I can taste it. I really like this tea, I think it’s yummy, I can taste all sorts of things, just don’t have a name for them, and I can taste lots of peach, which is good for me, because when I get a peach tea, that’s what I want: peach. (And I LOVE peach!)

I’m going to try this iced in a little bit, and update, because that is how it was suggested, though I think it is good warm. Peach. :-) Yay.

Side note on brewing: The first few times I’ve brewed any of my Fusion tea room teas (the Earl Grey, and the Chocolate Cake) and a few other loose leaf teas I used a tea ball, and they didn’t come out right. Now that I’ved used my bigger tea strainer (not huge though. You can put it in the mug. Perfect size!) all the teas have been perfect. :-) Yay for good tea strainers!! And letting tea breathe!

Update: THIS TEA IS GREAT ICED! But again, it’s also very good warm, so which ever you try and prefer is the way to go!!

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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297 tasting notes

The dry notes smells lightly of peach, not as much as I was hopeing for, I’m getting another scent from it, strong- kind of fruity, not sure what it is.
Once steeped the scent of peach comes through a bit more, but I’m still mostly getting the other scent from it. Upon drinking it I discover NO peach flavour :( and the taste of which I smell, and I definetly do not like it.

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2584 tasting notes

There’s probably a little too much hibiscus in this tea, so it’s a bit tart. I taste some deep juicy peach, but it’s not as delicious as it could be. It’s a nice enough cold cup of tea, but not one I need again. Thanks for sharing, getanzt!

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