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Black Tea
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205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 45 sec 6 oz / 177 ml

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From Frontier Natural Products Co-op

Frontier, Packaged Loose Leaf Earl Grey, Cert. Org., Fair Trade

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9 Tasting Notes

4338 tasting notes

First tea from the Here’s Hoping teabox!! THANK YOU again everyone that made it a successful box! I’m setting up round two right now…

This tea is lovely.. a plain Earl Grey. Always a favorite! The bergamot is nice in this one – it’s almost like it has cream (but it doesn’t). The black base is perfect… something is reminding me of squash. Weird! A very good EG. Not the best but there are certainly worse ones out there – I don’t get the low score!


My favorite little herb/indie grocery place carries Frontier—and it’s pleasantly cheap. Will have to check this out.

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429 tasting notes

A very nice Earl Grey and only 84 cents an ounce at my local health food store. Very clean tasting with nice amount of bergamot. I could drink this every day at this price and its very good.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

This was my 300th tasting note and I just noticed it now. I need to pay more attention




Congrats, Dan!

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2145 tasting notes

Tea #23 from the Here’s Hoping TTB

I don’t drink straight up earl grey much anymore, but I have always loved it. This one has a nice base with a subtle dose or bergamot. I’ve certainly had many that came across stronger, but the subtle bergamot flavor doesn’t make this any less enjoyable. This also has the benefit of being inexpensive, perfect for an everyday tea, plus it’s certified organic and fair trade.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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3294 tasting notes

This is not a particularly strong earl, & that’s ok by me. Because it is most likely a ceylon, & the bergamot scent wasn’t too strong, I added extra leaf. Then I added stevia & french vanilla coconut creamer. It was a pleasant cup, which I enjoyed. For awhile I didn’t care much for Earl Greys, & some of them are awful, IMO, but I’ve been trying several, & finding that some are very pleasant. This will not be a favorite, but not bad.

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1120 tasting notes

I was worried that I’d gotten the wrong tea as I was steeping this — it doesn’t smell a bit like earl grey! Tasting it, I feel much the same way. The base is nice enough (Ceylon, I believe) but the bergamot is only there if you really search for it. Honestly, I don’t mind it that much as I’m not a huge earl grey fan and only picked this up due to the low price, but I wouldn’t really recommend this when you could pick up something more flavorful.

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46 tasting notes

A good general Earl Grey. Bergamot not too strong. Tea is pleasant, not particularly bitter. Has a nice aroma. More than anything else I love the amazing price tag on this guy. When I’m broke I’ll buy bulk where I can, and this definitely gives me my fix when on a budget. Great morning tea.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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139 tasting notes

There are better choices for Earl Grey. Neither my wife or I were impressed.

185 °F / 85 °C 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

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7 tasting notes

A bit mild for my liking but still very good. I just use more than the suggested amount per cup.

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