Of course I still have some of this left – I never finish anything, it seems. I made a cup of this to take with me to switchboard today in my never-ending quest to finish some GD tea! The smell of the dry rooibos is sweet and vague, kind of bubble-gummy (as flavoured things keep seeming to me lately). The rooibos pieces are really large, the biggest I’ve ever seen so there is nothing to escape through my infuser – huzzah!
Steeped, this becomes an orangey amber and has a very sweet faux fruit aroma. I have no recollection of this being stellar but it is hard to imagine it being BAD. Just so-so, I think. The flavour is very similar to the aroma, an imprecise and artificial fruit flavouring. Nothing cranberry and nothing tart. This is the sort of blend that I would to have hibiscus in, I wonder if it might be improved by a hint of hibiscus. I don’t think so though!
ps – It does actually have a hint of craisin flavour to it. Man, I like craisins but only in my trail mix. I wish I had some now, I totally need to make up another batch of trail mix for work!