From Another Traveling tea box?!?!
It’s a small teacup saturday! Mostly because I want to get through as many teas as possible before I ship it back out and I take up less tea this way. Only about 1/3-1/2 a tsp. It’s also the first time I’m tasting anything from Della Terra Teas!
It smells odd when dry, like some sort of tropical fruit blend. But brewed it smells exactly like a PIna Colada with black tea. OMG soo nice! The dry leaf had exactly what it says on the label: black tea, coconut bits. I didn’t see any pineapple bits, or maybe they were just too small for me to differentiate. Admittedly I wasn’t looking very closely.
It tastes like a coconut black tea, a very nice one. There’s only the slightest hint of sour at the start of the sip, but then it’s all smooth coconut. The coconut taste is of the unsweetened dessicated coconut variety, if you’ve had that. Otherwise it’s like unsweetened coconut macarons. i’m tempted to keep it, but I probably wouldn’t be able to give it the love it deserves. If I ever get around to order from DT though, I’ll probably put it on my list.
The disadvantages of a small cup is wanting more after it’s all gone. Now I want to second steep but I also want to rummage though the box for another tea. Decisions, decision….
Flavors: Coconut, Pineapple
Woo! New tea! Teas that are better than you expected! !!!’s all around.
I was saving the rest for iced tea to try it out that way, I was so meh about that tea, but now…? I dunno man! Sometimes there’s a magic, I think. :P
Totally! I’ve been having some tea blahs lately and now I’m afraid to rate things because normally I enjoy them more. Gonna go back to basic good teas before messing around with the fancy ones I’ve been trying.