Manuka Honey Hero (Formerly Honeycomb Chai)

Tea type
Chai Herbal Blend
Not available
Licorice, Sweet, Honey
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Roswell Strange
Average preparation
Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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12 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Strange VariaTEA TTB: Tea 26 The good thing is I think I can taste teas. The bad news is, it’s because I’m really not liking how this tastes. I think it’s just overly sweet from probably the...” Read full tasting note
  • “This one gets terrible reviews, so I didn’t have high expectations. It tastes overwhelmingly like licorice root, which is a flavor I usually enjoy, but not as much in this context. The next flavor...” Read full tasting note
  • “I really like this tea. Probably because it has licorice in it. It’s been a nice tea to have around in the evenings when I need a tasty decaf option. The licorice adds sweetness without the stevia...” Read full tasting note
  • “Prepared this one as a latte with almond milk. I don’t love this one and it doesn’t come across as a honeycomb chai. Instead, it tastes like a licorice spice tea. It’s quite cloying from the licorice.” Read full tasting note


This tea was formerly named Honeycomb Chai – the below description is for the former name:

Even the busiest bees need a moment of indulgence. Enjoy a simply sweet honey taste and mouth-coating texture with notes of light ginger. Chai’s signature cinnamon accent boosts honey flavours, making this the queen bee of honey teas. Manuka honey helps soothe colds and skin so you can feel your best even on the coldest days.

What makes it great

Manuka honey is often used for fighting colds, soothing sore throats and skincare.

The cinnamon finish boosts honey flavours.

Sticky sweet taste without the gooey fingers.

How it tastes
A sweet and warming chai with gooey honey, light ginger and notes of cinnamon

Apple (apple, citric acid), Liquorice, Ginger, Rosehip peel, Candied ginger, Cinnamon, Natural (manuka honey, ginger) flavouring, Manuka honey (manuka honey, maltodextrin), Lemon peel, Clove, Mallow blossom, Marigold blossom.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

12 Tasting Notes

6444 tasting notes

Strange VariaTEA TTB: Tea 26

The good thing is I think I can taste teas. The bad news is, it’s because I’m really not liking how this tastes. I think it’s just overly sweet from probably the liquorice and it’s just not working for me. It is helping to suppress the cough though and for that, I’m thankful.


I did not like this tea hot it was too sweet. I like it better iced. I would not buy anymore but I’ll finish the bag I have.

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2603 tasting notes

This one gets terrible reviews, so I didn’t have high expectations. It tastes overwhelmingly like licorice root, which is a flavor I usually enjoy, but not as much in this context. The next flavor I taste is ginger. It has a lot of natural sweetness. It’s not a very hearty chai, more like an herbal bagged spiced tea. Its flavor is sort of weird and not entirely pleasant. I’ve tried mixing it with other teas, but it still shows up too strongly for my preference.

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1783 tasting notes

I really like this tea. Probably because it has licorice in it. It’s been a nice tea to have around in the evenings when I need a tasty decaf option. The licorice adds sweetness without the stevia weirdness and the whole thing does have a light honey flavor to it. One of these days I need to add some real honey in it. I got to harvest a few frames recently from one of my 6 beehives, so I’m rich in honey at the moment!

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1324 tasting notes

Prepared this one as a latte with almond milk. I don’t love this one and it doesn’t come across as a honeycomb chai. Instead, it tastes like a licorice spice tea. It’s quite cloying from the licorice.

Flavors: Licorice, Sweet

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4 tasting notes

I really wanted to like this tea, because I love honey and chai, but it tasted too strongly of licorice for me to enjoy it. I tried it both hot steeped and as a hot latte with one pump of vanilla syrup.

Flavors: Honey, Licorice

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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252 tasting notes

Tried this again under the new name and it was pleasant at first but yeah unfortunately the licorice is just too strong for my liking

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6119 tasting notes

(DavidsTea 164)

Another tea I shouldn’t be drinking, this time because of licorice. :/ At least in this case, that will be easy to achieve because I really did not care for this one. I made it into a latte and even then, it was way too sweet from the licorice, honey, and other spices, and I just didn’t like the flavour combination. Too bad, because the name sounds really appealing!

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17008 tasting notes

Another new one from the Autumn Subscription box!

Honey flavouring is really, really hit or miss for me – there are DT blends that I’ve loved it in (like Honey Drop) and others where I’ve found it way too heavy handed (like Honey Lullaby). However, even though I much prefer a “cream honey” or darker more buckwheat style honey, I feel like this blend has found the right balance in terms of the level of the honey flavouring. It’s clear and sweet but, at least for my taste preferences, not too sweet. With that said, I still kind of go back and forth on whether I love the blend as a whole…

We all know that I’m fickle when it comes to Chai in general, and I personally am way over that very “red hot” style of cinnamon that is present in blends like Cinnamon Rooibos Chai, Cinnamon Bun Chai, and Glitter Chai. I know that many, many people enjoy it – and admittedly so do I at spaced out intervals – but I also find that it really swallows up flavours and can quickly get too strong. For me, that’s the main spice in this blend and it even kind of drowns out the ginger to me – and that’s a spice that usually sticks out like a sort thumb in most blends for me. So, I feel this “push and pull” between my love of the honey flavouring used and just being a little tired of this type of cinnamon note.

Aside from that, it’s a pretty fruity chai all things considered – and that makes sense to me composition-wise because it’s herbal and you need some type of “base” herbal ingredient. However, I just feel like the added sweetness of the apple on top of the honey and the sweet cinnamon is… maybe a bit much?? Like, I would have preferred something like a black tea base with more body to it – though that defeats the purpose of having more caffeine free chai options, I suppose.

All of this is, of course, subjective and personal preference. As much as I might love black tea someone else out there is probably thinking “I’m so glad they didn’t make another black chai blend”, just like how someone else might think “Wow this is too much honey” or someone else “This should be sweeter for a honey inspired blend”. It’s so hard to find something that works for everyone, and I think that this is just a really tricky type of profile because you have to take a big swing in a flavour direction because the middle ground is just gonna be flat/boring.

Idk – all just stuff that pops into my head when I drink this blend…

Friendly reminder that I do not numerically rate DAVIDsTEA blends as I’m currently employed there and it would be an obvious conflict of interest. Any blends you see with numerical ratings were rated prior to my employment there. These reviews are a reflection of my personal thoughts and feelings regarding the teas, and not the company’s.

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